I've a bee in my bonnet this morning.
Some time during the night a visiting Czech escort texted me announcing her arrival in Dublin. Great, good for her, I hope she has an enjoyable stay, a busy week with work & the weather stays good for her but I don't wish to be informed of this on my phone !
She advertises here etc. & I think she should be more professional & descreet.
It's not the case with me but she could have gotten some unsuspecting fella' in all sorts of bother. I texted back asking her to delete my no. not to make contact with me again & observed her lack of professionalism & descretion.
What does she do ? Yeah, texts me back a defensive, incoherent message claiming not to have phoned me (which is the only action that would constitute an offense to her) & some garbled suggestion for me to be more adult.
Even if she is going to be this unprofessional, why do it at the weekend ? When msot married & attached punters will be with the family. A lesser offense maybe if it's between 9 & 5, Mon - Fri.


I have no qualms naming the offender & asking all escorts to desist from this kind of behaviour. She's not the 1st lady to do this but I hope the last.
