Quote Originally Posted by tigergirls View Post
they got a four months suspended sentence and 48 hours to leave the country. They were allowed to keep €500 to return to their native countries... It was on the local news here in tipperary. Sad but true
One of the girls was spanish i.e. from another EU country. The sentence she received was a custodial one, but this was suspended. Was this on condition that she leave the country within 48 hours or was it suspended for a period of time on condition that she not be caught reoffending. Does'nt sound like freedom of movement for EU citizens within the EU to me.

As for the brazilian girl, I hope that she already had a return ticket back home, because I can't see her being able to buy a one way ticket to Brazil with her share of the 500 Euro. But wtf, when you're earning a judges salary, what do the problems of the "little people" concern you.