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Thread: Hi Everybody from Famous Isabel

  1. #11
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    NUJ - National Union of Journalists

    The above is what all these journos subscribe to I believe!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    NUJ - National Union of Journalists

    The above is what all these journos subscribe to I believe!
    I have read those rules of conduct but I will have to send a message to the webmaster, I think he has mixed the pages up, that should be in the don't do's of Journalism if you want to keep your job on Irish TV LOl

  3. #13

    Default hi

    I agree with everything that has been said. TV3 gave the impression that all us punters are perverts and we all take part in human slavery.
    They just made this documentary to bring interest to there new TV Show about escorting.
    It's terrible that they go on about human rights and then they violete the girls that they secretly recorded.

  4. #14
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  5. #15
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    Default So Sorry Isabel!

    Oh dear, this is a horrible thing to have happen to you, I had a run in with a 'journalist', but it wasn't this major. But there has to be something seriously wrong with this type of Gonzo journalism?

    Also not to put to fine a point on it, but one of the main reasons there is so much bru-haha about escorts now, is the realization of the amount of money this business generates.
    All this basic crap about educating the poor down trodden women, exploitation, and a host of other platitudes, is nothing more than lip-service being paid to make the majority of the public aware of what is supposedly this sinister and dark underground world! Do not think for one minute I am not aware of the darker side of this business, I too have had a run-in with "He-who-shall-not-be-named." But now you have journalist entering into gray areas and starting to cause serious harm to innocent peoples lives. There is something seriously wrong with allowing and profiting from this kind of slander and harassment.

    In one of the earlier posts the Americanization of Ireland was mentioned, now being American, I can agree that this is getting a bit out of hand, it isn't that great of a culture to carry the export cache it somehow has managed to garner. But in this instance I really think Isabel should get seriously American on there asses and sue the Moderfuckers.

    Again Isabel, I wish you strength and peace. Kisses Violette


  6. #16
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    Talking Plagiarism!

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    LOL, can I steal that quote and use it as my own?
    Patricia, you should know that plagiarism is the most serious offence in academia. However, if you talk nicely to me and promise to reference your source, than anything is possible.

    Whenever you need a good one-liner, you know who you can turn to. Just make sure that I've had a few beers first, because like Brendan Behan, I'm more productive when I'm under the influence.

  7. Default Thank you everybody, especially Patricia

    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I would like to try to do something about these nasty exposes of escorts as I think they are a wrong that has gone on too long in this country. I think the journos contibue as nobody has ever stood up to them over it. I understand individual escorts than fall victim to these stings may not feel there is anything they can do, but maybe if we all put our heads together there is something that can be done. I'm in. Has anyone got any good ideas of what we can do to stop this behaviour from journos?

    Pat x
    Hola Patricia & everybody else I want thank you very much to all of you for your support in this matter. Thank you very much, I mean it from my heart!!! Thank you
    I have already send a PM to Patricia.
    I don't know what to say but I would like to do something about it.
    Anybody have any ideas?
    I have lost my home as my landlord view the program, some of my personal friends in Ireland & I have lost my boyfriend too. They were shock as I
    I flew straight away to Spain and I was frightened during a month making sure TV is off at all the times, not a good experience at all for me & for the sake of my family.
    How would you feel if yourself or any other close member of your family has been expose
    they way I was expose in TV3 without your consent or permission???
    What would you do about it??
    How the members of your family will react with you??
    This it is not a joke it is a very serious & personal matter that can ruin you whole life.
    It is so unfair to me and all of us. Undercover programs like this in the sex industry must END!!!
    Thank you all,

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
    I would like to try to do something about these nasty exposes of escorts as I think they are a wrong that has gone on too long in this country. I think the journos contibue as nobody has ever stood up to them over it. I understand individual escorts than fall victim to these stings may not feel there is anything they can do, but maybe if we all put our heads together there is something that can be done. I'm in. Has anyone got any good ideas of what we can do to stop this behaviour from journos?

    Pat x
    I have no idea what can be done other then formal legal action, but if E-I was able or felt it of use to set up a fund that could be contributed to by people in regard to legal proceeding’s, or in light of what she said as to the personnel and practical implication’s and financial loss to herself. I would have no problem, and indeed would like to contribute to a fund of those natures if they were to happen, do not know if it is practical or not, but I feel that all right minded and rational people should get behind and help in some way, not just words, its is truly a terrible, horrible and reprehensible thing that was done, and I feel she has a strong case, and the principals of consent and privacy were given zero regard and were cynical in the extreme…

  9. #19
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    Why don't they make exposes of trafficking and pimps instead of targeting independents. Get Barry O'Hanlon on the job.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  10. #20
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    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Famous-Isabel View Post
    Hola Patricia & everybody else I want thank you very much to all of you for your support in this matter. Thank you very much, I mean it from my heart!!! Thank you
    I have already send a PM to Patricia.
    I don't know what to say but I would like to do something about it.
    Anybody have any ideas?
    I have lost my home as my landlord view the program, some of my personal friends in Ireland & I have lost my boyfriend too. They were shock as I
    I flew straight away to Spain and I was frightened during a month making sure TV is off at all the times, not a good experience at all for me & for the sake of my family.
    How would you feel if yourself or any other close member of your family has been expose
    they way I was expose in TV3 without your consent or permission???
    What would you do about it??
    How the members of your family will react with you??
    This it is not a joke it is a very serious & personal matter that can ruin you whole life.
    It is so unfair to me and all of us. Undercover programs like this in the sex industry must END!!!
    Thank you all,
    It's rare I feel helpless but knowing your plight I can't help but feel that way, I would love to be able to come along with a solution to your plight but alas all i can offer is moral support and my sympathy which unfortunately you can't convert to justice.
    I really do feel sorry for the way you have been treated and I hope sometime soon you can see the back of this horrible situation you have found yourself in.

    I wish you all the best Isabel and all the happiness in the world.

    Last edited by anon361; 18-07-08 at 16:31.

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