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Thread: Just to say sorry in relation to chat room….

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default Don’t you ever….don’t you ever….stop being randy….

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    I have that problem too with my computer. After writing a long emeil or post the computer freezes or the internet breaks down. You have to start from scratch again, very frustrating.

    High Highway….

    But at least you can gallop round to wee Daniel’s place on black bess to have a cup of tea,

    Like Dan the man said

    “A stranger is a Friend you haven’t meet”

    I like the sentiment in that, but coming from his mouth, it’s a saccharine overload…

  2. Default

    type up yer long emails/posts in Word*, auto spell checks them, also keeps a temp file on the HD so if it crashes it recovers what you had typed so you don't waste 10 mins of your life.

    *I know that is all sad and anal really, I don't do it but don't have that many crashes.

  3. #13
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by dubM37 View Post
    type up yer long emails/posts in Word

    Mine crashes so often, I think it needs to re sit its driving test, I have to type posts in word, because for some reason absolutely nothing in the dialogue box that you open to write a post in E-I works, not the icons, the lettering styles, letter sizes or italics nothing, the only thing that works is the send button, its only thanks an I.T. guy here (who shall remain ANONymous that I can include smiley’s by typing the symbols for them)

    There's a lot to be said for Pen and Paper, OK it would slow things down here a bit ,
    but at least the only thing that can go wrong is you run out of ink.

  4. #14
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    I do think you should get a new computer..... both of you You can really pick up a simple laptop for less the 300 even.... I'm guessing you don't need it for anything other then emails and looking on the web....
    You should put the recovery disc into your copmuter, which wipes everything off... then reset everything from scratch..... and make sure you have Norton antivirus or something on your computer too!!! Or maybe your internet is too slow too!!!!

    The voice recording would be great for you I think!!!! You could manage in chat with a faster computer....

    Dublin tbc , Belfast tbc, Cork tbc

  5. #15
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    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    Or maybe your internet is too slow too!!!!

    Ha Ha, he did state he's from Ballygobackward, they just got a new eircom exchange so they can now use Dial-up for the internet, I've heard one of the locals has managed a 33K connection but he has a top of the range 56K modem LMAO,

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    I do think you should get a new computer..... both of you You can really pick up a simple laptop for less the 300 even.... I'm guessing you don't need it for anything other then emails and looking on the web....
    You should put the recovery disc into your copmuter, which wipes everything off... then reset everything from scratch..... and make sure you have Norton antivirus or something on your computer too!!! Or maybe your internet is too slow too!!!!

    The voice recording would be great for you I think!!!! You could manage in chat with a faster computer....


    I agree, It was fine for purpose up unitll my time here, I just needed it to send Farm and Equestrine related forms, which are ridiculous in number, a computer is up there with a tractor nowadays would you believe.

    But Kat, I’m but a simple Farmer/Forester/Stud/Fisherman/Poacher/General Del boy/ my finances would not be up there with yours, maybe you could give a few tips as to how I could branch into the Male Escorting side of things.

    High. My names QPH, check out my site and let me show you what “I” can do…my Salmon is Pink, firm, and on permanent migration to its spawning ground…no calls from a landline, and I DO NOT do AWO, GFE passable, and PSE a must see…Shower provided and expected, otherwise it’s the powerwasher, (You chose) can assist in those ‘hard to reach places”. choice of favorites include, the hay shed, 20 acre field, back of a silage trailer, choice of trees in extensive wood, and for those into hardsports, a slurry pit… you are paying for my time, and anything that happen’s in Ballygobackwards, stay’s in Ballygobackwards. My place is easy to find, just look for a thatched cottage,with two chimneys, (there rare) Security at the door includes a three legged Jack Russell with a grudge against the world and a VERY protective gay horse, plus a menagerie of other’s, give me a call, you won’t regret it….(or maybe you might, but thats half the fun, right ?)...

    How do ye think I’d fair, any takers ???

    QPH voted best Escort by Bigpaws (Sorry Alexi, my day has come)…

  7. #17
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    Default Mind that Mine shaft Anon...

    Quote Originally Posted by anon163 View Post
    Ha Ha, he did state he's from Ballygobackward, they just got a new eircom exchange so they can now use Dial-up for the internet, I've heard one of the locals has managed a 33K connection but he has a top of the range 56K modem LMAO,
    Actually Anon, we have one of those Data Modem things, from 3, and even though the house is in line of sight with no obstruction to a huge telecom’s set up on the highest hill around, the speed never gets better then around 10,000 bps and its advertised as being capable of 3 million bps, but that poor speed actually feels like the capability you would expect in a city, as dial up from eircom never exceeded 1000bps, so even though its poor, its fine for our needs.

    And I’ll have you know that Ballygobackwards was named as Information Superhighway compatible years before it was fashionable, as our jungle drums are some of the fastest in Ireland, and we are also becoming something of a Mecca for Customer care centers and high tec. industries ever since we took the bad series of bends out of the boreen that leads to our fair village. Although admittedly that was more by accident then design as John Joe was driving home from the pub one night with the bull dozer, and well you can guess the rest, every cloud has a silver lining...

    Its wall to wall frapachinos and blackberry’s here now, thank you very much [Indignant stance]

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Default I'm always randy

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    High Highway….

    But at least you can gallop round to wee Daniel’s place on black bess to have a cup of tea,

    Like Dan the man said

    “A stranger is a Friend you haven’t meet”

    I like the sentiment in that, but coming from his mouth, it’s a saccharine overload…
    Hi Quarter...

    I suppose I can go down to the little shit for a wee cupa. I can case his joint out while I'm there. I'll be on the lookout for a laptop. If I see more than one I'll send one down to you Quarterpoundher. I wouldn't hold out much hope though, I would imagine the only computer he has is an old amstrad or spectrum from 1985.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    High, I ventured into chatroom side of things very briefly around midnight last night, it was my first visit to any sort of chatroom and a few people said high while I was trying to get my head around what to do, I was only there a few minutes when my computer froze up completely, like a nun who wandered into a red light district, and had to unplug completely. Its fairly old and I guess it does not have whatever is needed to run smoothly in a chatroom, I'm just posting this as I wanted to say sorry for not saying high back as it may have seemed very rude of me, and just wanted to let you know what happened, I’m not very techy and have come close to feckin this computer out the window more then once.

    I was there long enough to see how fast you have to be able to type, I would not be able to keep up as my finger joints are not the most nimble at times due to them being wet for most of my life in either forestry and fishing. The vibration, kickback and general stress’s and strains from holding a chainsaw from a young age in particular have taken their toll, and if that wasn’t enough I’ve been at the business end of some very pissed off lobsters over the years as well.

    You can imagine how long some of my posts take to type on occasion, and I saw also how you have to keep things short in a chatroom environment, and I’d have trouble doing that, and I’d say I’d really really get on peoples tits if I started that crack in there as well, so I’ll leave ye that sanctuary for now, but I might invest in some voice recognition software in the future to get around that and speed things up.



    A belated Hello back…and sorry…
    get your self an apple mac pro as it has all the shit you need trust me thats a good buy, in fact my best to date

  10. Default

    You mean a macbook pro, the mac pro is a huge tower that weighs about 2 tons you certainly wouldn't want to be lugging one of them around with arthritic fingers.

    there's also the macbook about €1000 cheaper than the macbook pro, pretty nice machine. But I went out and purchased a dell inspiron 6400 dual core and an external HD and installed OS X on that anyway (os x is the apple operating system). Much much cheaper than buying a mac (in saying that I have 4 in the house).

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