This lovely young spunk is sitting in a train carriage on her own when a crusty
old bastard comes in, eating a tray of king prawns.

He sits opposite her, shelling his prawns and flicking the shells on the floor.
Occasionally he tosses on onto the lady's lap with a sneer.

When he's finished the meal he casually screws up the polystyrene tray he's been
eating from and throws it at the girl's face.

The young spunk calmly stands up, picks the shells off the floor, puts them back in
the tray and throws the whole mess out the window.

Then she walks over to the emergency stop button and thumps it hard.

"You dumb bitch," the dirty old man burps. "That's gonna cost you $100!"

"Yeah," she replied, "but when the police smell your fingers it's gonna cost you 10 years."................ (Take that ya dirty fuk)