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Thread: Catholic Bishop backs campaign to legalise Brothels!

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
    im not mocking god or whatever it is.In fact i believe strongly in a higher power but i am condemning those religous hypocrites that stnd around and preach on how we must all live our lifes while they use the very thing that they worship ,god,as a form of terrorism,while those very same bastards are the first to admit that god forgives all including them for ramming an altarboys arsehole.

    See the contradiction?God forgives all but ,interestingly enough if you dont do what these ppl say then he all of a sudden doesnt forgive but will banish you forever.What a load of bollox.

    If god is like this then thanks but no thanks,im having nothing to do with him.If he comes along and thinks its fine to preach and use his name and then ultimately disgrace his name whilst driving potential followers away from him, then he isnt up to much.

    Even Satin for christ sake no pun intended is painted in a better light then these ppl paint god.As leats satin they say is a cunt and we know where we stand with him but to use god ,our apparent creator as a form of terror to get their own ways of teaching accross is sick.Im sorry but i never have and never will buy into this bullshit.

    Faith is active whereas religon is passive.Faith is not religon.Who is the better person or who would you have more regard for, a guy who believes in god and just does the best he can do whetehr right or wrong or a guy that threatens you with eternal punishment all the while breaking those very rules ,rules of which when or if you break then your doomed.

    Even the catholic church is like the roman army in its structure and we are supposed to bow down to a guy that lives in splendor with millions, that is carried everywhere like a geriatric in a goldfish bowel while waving at us all.What a langer.Why doesnt he roll up his sleeves like real saints such as Mother Theresa and go and actually do something or is it too much for him to do.Even Padre Pio,what did he ever do?For all we know those marks could be bullet holds from holding up his local post office.

    A load of bs,

    This is a pile of self-serving crap written I imagine because it is assumed that the audience will be receptive to it. The only problem is that it's either untrue or exaggerated. The church has not talked about eternal punishment for decades.

    As for an alterboy's arsehole, it is a statistical reality that it is far more likely to be pounded by his own father than by a priest. The number of sexually connected convictions which involve priests is miniscule and the fact that most are reported - unlike the family ones which very often are in camera - just creates that impression. If you need bs to not believe in you could look closer to home.

    And Padre Pio "bullet holes from holding up his local post office"?

    What a load of bollox in fairness.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default Well,

    Quote Originally Posted by Mucker View Post
    This is a pile of self-serving crap written I imagine because it is assumed that the audience will be receptive to it. The only problem is that it's either untrue or exaggerated. The church has not talked about eternal punishment for decades.

    As for an alterboy's arsehole, it is a statistical reality that it is far more likely to be pounded by his own father than by a priest. The number of sexually connected convictions which involve priests is miniscule and the fact that most are reported - unlike the family ones which very often are in camera - just creates that impression. If you need bs to not believe in you could look closer to home.

    And Padre Pio "bullet holes from holding up his local post office"?

    What a load of bollox in fairness.
    if you want to believe these cunts then do it.Its not the number of convictions,its the fact that they all knew it went on including their superiors and yes that would include the pope.God knows how many ppl lived their lives and passed on not knowing the truth about these cunts.They come along and tell us all to believe in this loving all forgiving person and then go on to say that if we dont believe then we are punished.

    The only load of bollox is those cunts preching to everyone and doing fuck all to lead the way.They tell us to give to the poor yet i never seen a poor priest,nun etc.They use these bullshit excuses of healings taking place in places like Lourdes (where they make a fortune from tourism and that includes the selling of catholic items) but wouldnt it be the persons 100% mental positive state that healed them?

    Regardless, if you want to defend a showers of hypocritical cunts and live your life in fear then go ahead and be my guest.I trust nothing that these cunts would say.If they told me the sun was shining id look out the window first.

    Oh, God is an unconditional, all loving, all forgiving power despite the fact that if you break his rules (conditional) then we will be banished for eternity ,the ultimate punishment.Everything comes to an end ,even a person with cancer will die or be cured but not eternal punishment and that my friend in your own words is a load of bollox.

    Watch Father Ted instead,

  3. #13
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    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
    Regardless, if you want to defend a showers of hypocritical cunts and live your life in fear then go ahead and be my guest.

    I'm not defending anyone nor am I living my life in fear. I'm just pointing out that your ill-tempered rant is way over the top and you are trying to force-feed up with such claptrap.

    As for people being cured in Lourdes. what do you know about it? Have you been there?
    And even if it is people's mental state that cures them is that a bad thing?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
    Its not the number of convictions,its the fact that they all knew it went on including their superiors and yes that would include the pope.God knows how many ppl lived their lives and passed on not knowing the truth about these cunts.
    Here Here Westside,

    Mucker, West is not harking back to some far bygone day or era, and if you think the church has reformed itself, then I pray you never leave a child of yours alone in the company of a priest, Yes it is for some baffling and heartbreaking reason a fact that Children are more likely to be abused by a relation, but the Universe difference is that, as terrible as that is, it was done by an individual, where as a case of clerical abuse, up until very recently at least, involved

    A: The actual offending Priest

    B: The entire church apparatus, in covering it up.

    The existence of point B in this, changes everything.

    They actively conspired in at the very least the cover up, if not the actual event, they totally and utterly ignored what should be the absolute priority here, the Children, but instead, and to this day, are using church funds (which are huge) to battle it out in courts far and wide, sending offenders to “retreats” instead of marching them down to the nearest Guarda station. They actually have an insurance policy in place now for off setting the financial costs to themselves of any future events like these arising, which they will because they have done next to nothing to try and change the mindset of their Org.

    They should have done what God himself did, and cast Lucifer for heaven when he transgressed. I don't know what he did to warrant eviction from the big brother house, but it couldn’t have been worse then what some priest's have done, and yet they were provided shelter instead of banishment. I have no doubt that if there is hell, those that facilitated their actions will have a particularly warm corner reserved just for them.

    To this day a Priest is treated differently by the state then a joe bloggs offender when it comes to light.

    I personally believe that there are no Pedophile Priests….there are only Pedophiles who became Priests…

    Why…… Look at what the Priesthood offers to a prospective peado, they are supplied with everything they could possibly want,

    A position of trust in the community.
    Unimpeded access to children
    A free house to engage in such activities

    And in the event of being uncovered, an organization veiled in secrecy, and committed to covering up at all costs, and which proved itself very adept at doing so, they could only have done so, on so many occasions, by having an organized and well thought out plan for dealing with this when and where it arose, so by definition there was a conspiracy of substantial magnitude to put the church first and anyone else affected was just their tough luck, I don't see that rule written anywhere in the Bible...

    They must pinch themselves for such a set of circumstances to exist.

    Up until very recently a Priests word was law, I remember my Father telling me that the only time he saw my Grandfather literally shake with fear was when he saw a Priest round the corner onto our driveway, and that effect on him up lasted untill his death. He was in the old IRA, and lived and worked in his bare feet into his twenties, used to think nothing of walking 30 miles to play a match with no boots and back, he was as hard as nails, but shook on site of a Priest, that gives some indication of there level of power and control over this Island that they once enjoyed, and I for one rejoice in the loss of influence they now have, I just wish it was not arrived at from such horrendous suffering of the most innocent amongst us.

    It is imperative that we are ruled by only the laws of Man (they are not perfect, but at least transparent), and not the laws of any particular faith, because if the powers brokers of that faith are found to be corrupt, or at the very least inept, there’s no recourse to getting rid of them at the next election, they are the ultimate boys club on the Planet and have proven themselves unworthy of our worship in this area. Practice your faith by all means, but put that faith in a higher power, do not invest it in the Human “caretakers” of that Faith…You will be left down…

  5. #15
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    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    Here Here Westside,

    Mucker, West is not harking back to some far bygone day or era, and if you think the church has reformed itself, then I pray you never leave a child of yours alone in the company of a priest, Yes it is for some baffling and heartbreaking reason a fact that Children are more likely to be abused by a relation, but the Universe difference is that, as terrible as that is, it was done by an individual, where as a case of clerical abuse, up until very recently at least, involved

    A: The actual offending Priest

    B: The entire church apparatus, in covering it up.

    The existence of point B in this, changes everything.

    They actively conspired in at the very least the cover up, if not the actual event, they totally and utterly ignored what should be the absolute priority here, the Children, but instead, and to this day, are using church funds (which are huge) to battle it out in courts far and wide, sending offenders to “retreats” instead of marching them down to the nearest Guarda station. They actually have an insurance policy in place now for off setting the financial costs to themselves of any future events like these arising, which they will because they have done next to nothing to try and change the mindset of their Org.

    They should have done what God himself did, and cast Lucifer for heaven when he transgressed. I don't know what he did to warrant eviction from the big brother house, but it couldn’t have been worse then what some priest's have done, and yet they were provided shelter instead of banishment. I have no doubt that if there is hell, those that facilitated their actions will have a particularly warm corner reserved just for them.

    To this day a Priest is treated differently by the state then a joe bloggs offender when it comes to light.

    I personally believe that there are no Pedophile Priests….there are only Pedophiles who became Priests…

    Why…… Look at what the Priesthood offers to a prospective peado, they are supplied with everything they could possibly want,

    A position of trust in the community.
    Unimpeded access to children
    A free house to engage in such activities

    And in the event of being uncovered, an organization veiled in secrecy, and committed to covering up at all costs, and which proved itself very adept at doing so, they could only have done so, on so many occasions, by having an organized and well thought out plan for dealing with this when and where it arose, so by definition there was a conspiracy of substantial magnitude to put the church first and anyone else affected was just their tough luck, I don't see that rule written anywhere in the Bible...

    They must pinch themselves for such a set of circumstances to exist.

    Up until very recently a Priests word was law, I remember my Father telling me that the only time he saw my Grandfather literally shake with fear was when he saw a Priest round the corner onto our driveway, and that effect on him up lasted untill his death. He was in the old IRA, and lived and worked in his bare feet into his twenties, used to think nothing of walking 30 miles to play a match with no boots and back, he was as hard as nails, but shook on site of a Priest, that gives some indication of there level of power and control over this Island that they once enjoyed, and I for one rejoice in the loss of influence they now have, I just wish it was not arrived at from such horrendous suffering of the most innocent amongst us.

    It is imperative that we are ruled by only the laws of Man (they are not perfect, but at least transparent), and not the laws of any particular faith, because if the powers brokers of that faith are found to be corrupt, or at the very least inept, there’s no recourse to getting rid of them at the next election, they are the ultimate boys club on the Planet and have proven themselves unworthy of our worship in this area. Practice your faith by all means, but put that faith in a higher power, do not invest it in the Human “caretakers” of that Faith…You will be left down…

    I really don't know why you take it upon yourself to get all philopophical with me with this "It is imperative that we are ruled by only the laws of man" (like the laws of any particular faith are not man made too). I never said we should live by the laws of any faith.

    All I said was that children are far more likely be abused within their family than outside. Statistically one's own father is the most threatening individual you can meet. Heartbreaking this may indeed be, quite why you find it baffling at this stage when there is an extraordinary amount of evidence to show this beats me.

    There are indeed paedophiles who become priests but there are far more paedophiles who don't. Look at what the non-clerical life offers a prospective paedophile?

    A position of trust in the family. Unimpeded access to children and a freedom to engage in such activities anywhere anytime. Sound familiar?

    A priest would get a funny look going into a toilet cubicle, hotel room or bed with a child? But good old Daddy - ah shur you'll be grand, couldn't be in safer hands.

    If people want to have some rant about religion that's fair enough. I couldn't care less about that though it is completely off-topic if it is aimed at me. But to ignore the evidence that far more paedophilia has been found outside of the church and in the family than has even been connected to religious orders (its runs at about 97% to 3% actually) is another matter. That is simple lies and distortion and shows an extreme laziness and inability to challenge conventional wisdom.

    You are right about one thing though - "To this day a Priest is treated differently by the state then a joe bloggs offender when it comes to light."

    True - the priest is almost always named. Joe Bloggs is very often not named to protect the identity of his victims which is quite scandalous considering these people can be living all around us. At least people can hide the children if the local priest is around as they can recognise him. The other bastards could be living beside us for all we know.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Default Drop the "C" word

    Quote Originally Posted by westside View Post
    if you want to believe these cunts then do it.Its not the number of convictions,its the fact that they all knew it went on including their superiors and yes that would include the pope.God knows how many ppl lived their lives and passed on not knowing the truth about these cunts.They come along and tell us all to believe in this loving all forgiving person and then go on to say that if we dont believe then we are punished.

    The only load of bollox is those cunts preching to everyone and doing fuck all to lead the way.They tell us to give to the poor yet i never seen a poor priest,nun etc.They use these bullshit excuses of healings taking place in places like Lourdes (where they make a fortune from tourism and that includes the selling of catholic items) but wouldnt it be the persons 100% mental positive state that healed them?

    Regardless, if you want to defend a showers of hypocritical cunts and live your life in fear then go ahead and be my guest.I trust nothing that these cunts would say.If they told me the sun was shining id look out the window first.

    Oh, God is an unconditional, all loving, all forgiving power despite the fact that if you break his rules (conditional) then we will be banished for eternity ,the ultimate punishment.Everything comes to an end ,even a person with cancer will die or be cured but not eternal punishment and that my friend in your own words is a load of bollox.

    Watch Father Ted instead,

    While I share your attitude towards the church and some of the people in it, I wish you would stop refering to priests as c**ts. I hold the opinion, that if all, or at least a sizeable proportion of priests had c**ts or vaginas, to use the correct terminology, the catholic church would not be in the shit that it is today. Why not just call them paedophile pricks instead, after all, that's what they used to ram alterboys arses with.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Mucker View Post
    As for an alterboy's arsehole, it is a statistical reality that it is far more likely to be pounded by his own father than by a priest.
    "Statistically" there are a lot more fathers in a position from which they can ass rape their child as opposed to priests so your argument "statistically" does not hold water.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mucker View Post
    And Padre Pio "bullet holes from holding up his local post office"?

    What a load of bollox in fairness.
    Padre Pio was a conjurer of cheap parlour tricks. It is a well known fact that his wounds were self inflicted. Even the church itself has come to realise this. He used iodine on them to prolong the bleeding and carbolic acid to keep them open. In his later life, when he became too weak to inflict them regularly he began to cover them up with bandages, claiming that god had told him to.
    Last edited by punterminator; 05-07-08 at 10:57.
    Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough.

  8. #18
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mucker View Post
    I really don't know why you take it upon yourself to get all philopophical with me with this "It is imperative that we are ruled by only the laws of man" (like the laws of any particular faith are not man made too). I never said we should live by the laws of any faith.

    All I said was that children are far more likely be abused within their family than outside. Statistically one's own father is the most threatening individual you can meet. Heartbreaking this may indeed be, quite why you find it baffling at this stage when there is an extraordinary amount of evidence to show this beats me.

    There are indeed paedophiles who become priests but there are far more paedophiles who don't. Look at what the non-clerical life offers a prospective paedophile?

    A position of trust in the family. Unimpeded access to children and a freedom to engage in such activities anywhere anytime. Sound familiar?

    A priest would get a funny look going into a toilet cubicle, hotel room or bed with a child? But good old Daddy - ah shur you'll be grand, couldn't be in safer hands.

    If people want to have some rant about religion that's fair enough. I couldn't care less about that though it is completely off-topic if it is aimed at me. But to ignore the evidence that far more paedophilia has been found outside of the church and in the family than has even been connected to religious orders (its runs at about 97% to 3% actually) is another matter. That is simple lies and distortion and shows an extreme laziness and inability to challenge conventional wisdom.

    You are right about one thing though - "To this day a Priest is treated differently by the state then a joe bloggs offender when it comes to light."

    True - the priest is almost always named. Joe Bloggs is very often not named to protect the identity of his victims which is quite scandalous considering these people can be living all around us. At least people can hide the children if the local priest is around as they can recognise him. The other bastards could be living beside us for all we know.

    High, Mucker,

    Sorry for not replying sooner, only I was mulling over your post, and you make some good points. I thank you.

    I’d just like to clarify some of my comments, I wasn’t referring to you directly in any of my previous post, my apologies if you thought I was, it does look like that I suppose, I was only giving my take on it.

    What I meant by it be “baffling” was how any relation could do such a thing, I was not doubting that it happens, I know it does. What I meant was that I feel its even worse then if done by a stranger as they take innocence, (am NOT belittling that in any way) but a relation takes that and also destroy’s the trust and love that a child will unconditionally give to a Father for instance, or the trust invested in someone they know, they are therefore doubly robbed in those situations, that’s what I meant by being baffled that someone could do that.

    I have take issue with it being said I philosophize about things, that is for higher minds then I, I only ever try to make sense of things through long thought, that’s all.

    You say that,

    “Statistically one's own father is the most threatening individual”

    Your completely right...

    For me they are not mere Statistic’s, as my Father only commpouded my problems at every oppourtunity he got, sometimes intentionally, other times because of being from a different genertion, he was very hostile and aggressive due to being incapapable of logical thought on the mire he found himself (even though highly intelligent) and as a result only dug himself deeper. I am not sat in a book-lined study here, I know what I’m taking about.

    What you say here..

    “There are indeed pedophiles who become priests but there are far more pedophiles who don't. Look at what the non-clerical life offers a prospective pedophile? A position of trust in the family. Unimpeded access to children and a freedom to engage in such activities anywhere anytime. Sound familiar’’

    That’s a very fair point, I concede that completely, but again that’s an individual doing that on his own, whereas the entire apparatus of the church was geared to aiding in a cover up in order to protect itself, in direct violation of both its own tenants and the laws of the land, that was my point.

    The situation regarding the non naming of abusers in order to protect the child’s anonymity is one of those terrible choices that have to made, everyone of us would rather know, but the Child has to come first, but you make a valid point in that what about every other child who may be in the vicinity of them, I really don’t know how society can circle that square, its an absolute nightmare.

    Hope that clarifies things Mucker, I really wasn’t having a go at you,

    Best regards…QPH…

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by punterminator View Post

    1) "Statistically" there are a lot more fathers in a position from which they can ass rape their child as opposed to priests so your argument "statistically" does not hold water.

    2) Padre Pio was a conjurer of cheap parlour tricks. It is a well known fact that his wounds were self inflicted. Even the church itself has come to realise this. He used iodine on them to prolong the bleeding and carbolic acid to keep them open. In his later life, when he became too weak to inflict them regularly he began to cover them up with bandages, claiming that god had told him to.

    1) True, and that's probably why "statistically" a lot more fathers than priests have been shown to be paedophiles. My argument does indeed "statistically" hold water for the very simply reason that what I said is true.

    2) Frankly I couldn't care less about Padre Pio - I simply questioned a claim that he shot himself through the hand during post office robberies. But I would love to know your source for the "well known fact" that his wounds were self inflicted. I have no information either way but it seems strange that the church is now making an exhibition of him if they have come to realise he was a fraud. So your source would be interesting.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post

    That’s a very fair point, I concede that completely, but again that’s an individual doing that on his own, whereas the entire apparatus of the church was geared to aiding in a cover up in order to protect itself, in direct violation of both its own tenants and the laws of the land, that was my point.

    Not a problem at all.

    Yes, it is true to say that the church handled things badly but to be honest that is a different point to what I am making.

    I am essentially challenging the view that all priests are dangerous with paedophile tendencies. I had a fair bit orf experience of priests in my youth as I served mass and I would have met a lot of priests and got many a lift home from things with them. Not once -and I am talking about maybe 20 priests I would have encountered at different stages - did I ever see even the remotest hint of impropriety among any of them.

    That is not to trivialise or dismiss in any way some of the horrors that did take place but - and I have no contact with or axe to grind on behalf of priests these days - it is only fair to put that experience on the record. That's all I am doing.

    Some of the stuff written about priests here has been lazy populist fabrication and it is always good that such things are challenged.

    Take care, M.

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