Gosh that was VERY, VERY longwinded.....

I said, that it is pointless to have the charities giving food-and I'm not in support of that-, but there should be more charities, who teach them how to farm and I'm much more in support of that. Like you said it too. I think you only picked out some of my argument there.

For the rest of it... what goes around, comes around, so the USA won't "rule" forever.... the ruling of Rome has fallen, so will the States... (not like I have anything against them,. I actually find the accent VERY sexy!!!!)

As far as Ireland "joining up" with the mainland.... why do I see it in every prediction/program, that the sea level is/will be rising then??? Imagen... the Kilimangaro will shrink...

Anyhow this thread is about punting, so let's turn the subject to the usual.... like somebody has already came up with it.... I WAS WAITING..... 150/250 rate issue, which I won't comment on

and weather we are busy or not....