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Thread: escorts fake

  1. #21
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    Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by nedrix View Post
    My God, I thought this message board was setup so that escorts and clients have somewhere that they can talk about problems, issues, and ask for advice if they need. It is just a bit sad to see when someone makes s few grammer mistakes that everybody turns around and complains like bitches.
    Look, I made the original post not to give out about a few spelling and grammar mistakes, Jesus I have been guilty of a lot of those and I'm sure a lot more but c'mon, the sprawl that was posted was not only illegible but incoherent also.

    I simply asked the guy to make more of an effort in his post, do I have to spell it out.
    When starting a sentence the first letter should be a capital.
    When ending a sentence put a full stop.
    When you are finished a point start a new paragraph.

    This is not because I want to dictate or condescend to anyone, it's so I can read their point with ease and if it merits a response I will give one.
    If you do a bit of research you will find threads with codes of conduct for message boards all over the internet making these points and as I said they are not there to condescend but to help all concerned have a more pleasurable experience!!
    It's like going to the cinema and the guy behind you is talking, you can still watch the movie but you won't enjoy it as much!

  2. #22
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    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by anon163 View Post
    Look, I made the original post not to give out about a few spelling and grammar mistakes, Jesus I have been guilty of a lot of those and I'm sure a lot more but c'mon, the sprawl that was posted was not only illegible but incoherent also.

    I simply asked the guy to make more of an effort in his post, do I have to spell it out.
    When starting a sentence the first letter should be a capital.
    When ending a sentence put a full stop.
    When you are finished a point start a new paragraph.

    This is not because I want to dictate or condescend to anyone, it's so I can read their point with ease and if it merits a response I will give one.
    If you do a bit of research you will find threads with codes of conduct for message boards all over the internet making these points and as I said they are not there to condescend but to help all concerned have a more pleasurable experience!!
    It's like going to the cinema and the guy behind you is talking, you can still watch the movie but you won't enjoy it as much!

    For what it’s worth I agree with Anon, The Hacksaw and Deafboy 100%.

    High Nedrix, Ncb is not making a ‘few’ spelling mistakes, he is single handedly murdering the English language better then Rambo dealt with the North Vietnamese for Christ sake.

    Anyone who has progressed beyond the C.A.T Cat and D.O.G Dog level of English can easily skim past the odd typo without causing a problem, we nearly all have a typo or two now and them. His Grammar and spelling is absolutely appalling.

    You’ll note that his post has now become a debate on HOW he posted and not on WHAT he posted, I think that proved the theory of how important the placing of comma, breaks, capital letters and paragraphs are. There are not fancy Icing on a cake, they are the cake itself.

    I for one won’t be reading his posts, not because of the content, but because of the difficulty in working it out, and even though I don’t know agree with a lot of his stuff, he does go to the effort to post, I’d just ask to so respect for other people and attempt write more clearly.

    And before someone says we didn’t all go to University or something, neither did I, not even secondary, it’s no excuse what so ever.

    Also I’d like to query why on Ncb’s first post, he admonished the concept of an Auction, and said Escorting was Ilegal and guards yadda yadda yadda, but has subsequently revealed he is a Punter himself, no-one has picked up on that, that surly is the Pot calling the Kettle black on a biblical scale.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by lino View Post

    you are suggesting that there might be the same plot organizers behind the murders of Lincoln and Kennedy, aren't you? Hmmmm, an interesting hypothesis...


    High Lino, I suspect Carlos could well be the trigger Man for both, He strikes me as very long lived, Cultured and Educated, so its not a stretch to suppose he was in the Ford Theatre for Lincoln catching a show or was in the Book depository looking for a book on either Karl Marx/Engles or Carlos the jackal and did JFK as well. I just hope his not heading to the US anytime soon to pay a visit to Obama or McCain.

  4. Default Quarterpounder: Spelling tip


    Your = belonging to
    You're = you are

    Try using "you're" sometimes instead of "your".

    Note: This tip is not intended to rile you up or anything. I'm just laughing at all of this grammer talk coming from people who themselves have made mistakes!


  5. #25

    Default nedrix

    I couldnt agree with u more , what a shower of assholes

  6. #26
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    Default Omg!

    Quote Originally Posted by ncb View Post
    I couldnt agree with u more , what a shower of assholes
    You almost formed a sentence. You just forgot the full stop at the end.

    Ah don't worry Brother we're all friends here.
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

  7. #27


    Fuck it and i was trying so hard to really get that sentence right . O was that grammer ok for everybody .

  8. #28


    I agree with Anon 163. The post is unreadable. If NCB wants feedback to his question he should write legible English

  9. #29
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    Mar 2008

    Default The Grassy Knoll, Dallas, 22.11.1963

    Indeed, that was I and double D Debbie on the grassy knoll that faithfull day. Once the motorcade came into view, the crowd's attention was drawn in that direction. Being an enterprising individual, I used this opportunity to become more intimate with Debbie. Just as the first shoot rang out from the Texas Schoolbook Depository, I also let off a shoot, but into double D Debbie rather than JFK. Given the ensueing commotion, I assumed that the local police had spotted us, so I hastely zipped up and legged it back across the Roi Grande where a number of senhoritas were waiting for me in Matamoros.

    Years later, I learned that the FBI had conducted extensive forensic tests on the grassy knoll. Needless to say, no residues from shots having been fired from that location were after found. All they managed to find was some semen contained in an XXL ribbed maximum pleasure Durex condom. So the conspiracy theory hatched by the CIA and their sidekicks in the FBI was basically founded on some seminal fluid and a piece of latex.

    The assasination of Lincoln on 14.04.1865, if memory serves me correct, was different, in that it took place in-doors in Ford's theatre. Not only that, but it also differed, in that no semen was found on this occasion. At the time, I myself was on vacation in Charleston, SC, and when the glorious news reached us, I along with countless other southern gentlemen sang Dixie and partied like hell. We all adjourned to a notorious house of ill-repute and consummed copious amounts of Southern Comfort with the ladies there present. The madam of the establishment was actually an ancestor of double D Debbie, who came from a long and famous line of southern who..... er ladies.

    N.B. Coming up next week: Review of Helen of Troy and why so many men where willing to give up their lives to get at her.

  10. #30
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    Thumbs up Brilliant

    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    Indeed, that was I and double D Debbie on the grassy knoll that faithfull day. Once the motorcade came into view, the crowd's attention was drawn in that direction. Being an enterprising individual, I used this opportunity to become more intimate with Debbie. Just as the first shoot rang out from the Texas Schoolbook Depository, I also let off a shoot, but into double D Debbie rather than JFK. Given the ensueing commotion, I assumed that the local police had spotted us, so I hastely zipped up and legged it back across the Roi Grande where a number of senhoritas were waiting for me in Matamoros.

    Years later, I learned that the FBI had conducted extensive forensic tests on the grassy knoll. Needless to say, no residues from shots having been fired from that location were after found. All they managed to find was some semen contained in an XXL ribbed maximum pleasure Durex condom. So the conspiracy theory hatched by the CIA and their sidekicks in the FBI was basically founded on some seminal fluid and a piece of latex.

    The assasination of Lincoln on 14.04.1865, if memory serves me correct, was different, in that it took place in-doors in Ford's theatre. Not only that, but it also differed, in that no semen was found on this occasion. At the time, I myself was on vacation in Charleston, SC, and when the glorious news reached us, I along with countless other southern gentlemen sang Dixie and partied like hell. We all adjourned to a notorious house of ill-repute and consummed copious amounts of Southern Comfort with the ladies there present. The madam of the establishment was actually an ancestor of double D Debbie, who came from a long and famous line of southern who..... er ladies.

    N.B. Coming up next week: Review of Helen of Troy and why so many men where willing to give up their lives to get at her.
    Carlos that was fuckin' hilarious!

    But you've been on the go a long time. Are you an immortal? Like some kind of Highlander? Or are you more Juan Ramirez than Carlos Marvado?
    Escort of the Month and E-I Interview Blogs;

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