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Thread: escorts fake

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Blog Entries


    Quote Originally Posted by ncb View Post
    Thank u for ure kind reply , ya maybe he is part of e-i who knows anyway what did u make of my comments regarding these fake escorts .
    Its all one big conspiracy this site, isn't it?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Thumbs down Conspiracy Theories

    Pat, I could'nt agree with you more, conspiracy theories and the theorists who promulgate them just abound, they possitively proliferate.

    I heard the other day, on the grapevine, that E-I actually hired the hit-man who assasinated JFK in Dallas on 22nd November 1963. Well in fact, it was'nt a hit-man, it was a tall eastern european female escort dressed as a man. E-I supplied her with a false passport, false i.d. including picture, date of birth and country of origin, and it was this falsification which enabled the hit to be carried out successfully. Needless to say, I did'nt belief a word of this guff.

    This is one business in which I expect total honesty as a matter of course. I mean, when a man and a woman stand totally naked facing each other, what in God's holy name is there left to hide?

  3. #13


    listen to me ye idots in just making a comment regarding escorts im just doing my best to send my comments if u not happy with my grammer PLEASE dont knock me dont do that to me ye gey the jiff of it , u never know when ure kids mite have a problem with schooling dont ever knock someone thats trying to make an affort thats wrong . jesus if i want a comment regarding mt grammer i would ask for it .reply if ye want to

  4. #14

    Default Offensive illiterate prick!

    Quote Originally Posted by ncb View Post
    goodday all punters , i as a regular punter im pissed off with the set up of escorts in this country for paying 150e for 30mins services i really think 150e is too much to pay a escort let me explain to all of ye gud punters , im hearing alot of bad things about escorts to improve there bussines ,i would think 30 out of 100 escorts are probablly ok , i hear that alot of escoets are paying e-i to have no bad reviews imputted in e-i also escorts are paying clients to write gud reviews dor them and escorts are paying e-i to keep there photo on the first page at all times and also fake photos , another thing thats happening lately that if u look at a escorts profile and she takes anul and u ring her and make appointment and u confirm is this ok anul u will be told that o its a mistake on my profile its e-i problem or in the other case that ya i take anul then u having sex and u want anul o she say ure cock too big , or u ring for the escort and another women answers the phone and she will tell u o that escort is not free i have afriend and u say ok is she nice blaa blaa blaa and u take ur chance and she turn out to be 40 and flabby and small and no tits AND SPEAK NO ENGLISH ,now punters do escorts think were fools altoghter , i think some bright spark punter is going to come up with a brain wave , i explain i dont have apoblem with giving 150e to a escort IF SHE GIVES A GUD SERVICES if she average give her 100e if she below average give her 50e and if shes 20e and teach her how to be a good escort and how to perform good , and i now think that we as punter should go on strike and see how the escorts feel then or if a company was set up and let the company decide and give the punters a rating for escorts there a lot of escorts lying about there age there photos there profile etc etc etc and i have ask a few GOOD ESCORTS that i know and that would be agood idea for a bussiness to have a ratings for example if the company say she is very good 150e if she average 100e and if she ok 75e i think the punters know what i mean we punters are getting bad value for money these escorts dont care all they want is money money money and ALWAYS HAVE THE POOR MOUTH . NOW TO ALL YE ESCORTS OUT THERE PLEASE DONT REPLY this is for punters only NOW PUNTERS LET ME HAVE UR COMMENTS PLEASE , i am sure this will stir up a few things
    Go back to school and learn how to write. Your grammer and spelling is to difficult to read. I found it very hard to finish reading your argument.

    Also you seem to consistantly provoke people on this board with negative comments.

    Here's one for you. GO FUCK YOURSELF!

    You illiterate shit-heel. You have the balls to insult and question escorts level of English? You can't even command the language yourself. I've read your posts and they're all the same - negative, accusatory, small, angry, hateful and pathetic.

    You should be fuckin' barred. Your so utterly offensive to the human race it makes me want to laugh.

    But instead I SHIT ON YOU!

    Everyone! Hardsports in this direction! Take aim and FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Jim Duggan; 28-06-08 at 03:03.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008



    Please don’t take this the wrong way,...

    I’ve made a real effort to read your posts, but I to find it difficult to follow you train of thought, I have to re read in its entirety, or back up a sentence or two, but in the end give up, and my head actually hurts a little from the effort, and this is coming from someone who reads 1000 page books voraciously.

    I had assumed that English was not your first language, if this is the case, I apologize, but if your Irish or English born and breed, there really is no excuse, and there is an obligation on all of us to make ourselves clear and understood, we shod not have to break someone’s post down word for word like we had just discovered the new world and were trying to converse with the locals.

    If that’s your grammar, then that’s your grammar, and your as free as anyone to post, but you will lose a lot of your impact and target demographic by not improving grammar, presentation and syntax.

    At the very least you could type you posts in Word and run the spell checker over it, and then copy to the message facility for posting.


    This is written in construction, and not to provoke Ncb.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    Pat, I could'nt agree with you more, conspiracy theories and the theorists who promulgate them just abound, they possitively proliferate.

    I heard the other day, on the grapevine, that E-I actually hired the hit-man who assasinated JFK in Dallas on 22nd November 1963. Well in fact, it was'nt a hit-man, it was a tall eastern european female escort dressed as a man. E-I supplied her with a false passport, false i.d. including picture, date of birth and country of origin, and it was this falsification which enabled the hit to be carried out successfully. Needless to say, I did'nt belief a word of this guff.

    This is one business in which I expect total honesty as a matter of course. I mean, when a man and a woman stand totally naked facing each other, what in God's holy name is there left to hide?
    I thunk wee con rule out Ncb,

    I don’t tink he woz ever n d Book Depository, although he mite be a lone shooter.... (Jok, Ncb, if your going to insist on spelling the way you do, your going to have the waste liquid takin’)


    You probably have the Zebruder tapes squirreled away somewhere, come on fess up, that was you on the grassy knoll wasn’t it, you were with double D Debbie from Dallas on the Deally plaza and got a shot or two off, oh how different history would be only for you actions that faithful blue sky November morn.

    Interesting Fact’s

    Both Kennedy and Lincoln were shot by Assassins with treble barreled names

    Lee Harvey Oswald
    John Wilkes Booth

    Both were disaffected southerners who blamed they respective Presidents for there country’s woes

    Both Assassins were themselves killed shortly after

    They share many more, and are quite chilling...see link if interested

    Similarities Between the Assassinations of Kennedy and Lincoln - Succeed through Studying History: School for Champions


    Mulder – I truth is out there.............................

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quarterpoundher your talents are wasted on this site.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Quarterpoundher your talents are wasted on this site.

    Oh I wasted my talents a LOOOOOOOOOONG ago Highway....

    Say high to Dick Turpin if you meet him on the highways and byways of Donegal...

  9. #19

    Default hmmmm


    you are suggesting that there might be the same plot organizers behind the murders of Lincoln and Kennedy, aren't you? Hmmmm, an interesting hypothesis...


  10. #20

    Default Grammer mistakes

    My God, I thought this message board was setup so that escorts and clients have somewhere that they can talk about problems, issues, and ask for advice if they need. It is just a bit sad to see when someone makes s few grammer mistakes that everybody turns around and complains like bitches.

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