Quote Originally Posted by Baxter View Post
Hopefully, I will never get to test this. Let's say that twice a year Mr. A and the lads go to see Man U at Old Trafford and each time for the last 5 years Mr.A shags Olga an escort from EE. It is acknowledged that Mr.A always ensures that he does not jeopardise the sexual health of his partner and never has any other dalliances of a sexual nature.

Mr.B on the otherhand has never been with an escort but fell in love with a female partner in KPMG ( mmmm! ) and had a wild affair with her for 6 months.

Both get found out by their respective partners. Who would you think stands the best chance of keeping the relationship going -- A or B ? ( no Man U jokes pls ! )
You bring up a few points with your reply but as regards making the relationship last, the person who is willing to put in the commitment and work to make it work will stand the best chance. For some of us it takes an event like this to make us face up to what is actually required in a relationship. Aspects such as loyalty and trust are built up over time and rebuilding them takes a lot of work....as you bring up football teams, it's an interesting parallel, men show more loyalty as regards supporting a football team than they appear to do to partners:-)