Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
This is a different totally unconnected case to the lady on the bus, this was a 17 yr old girl who was Gang raped , apparently
the police put pressure on her to drop the charges and instead wanted her to marry one of her assaliants.
She took poison and ended her own life.
Its quite obvious that this is not really a law and order issue but a huge social issue as to the standing and place of
women in Indian society.
It surely puts a bit of perspective on the outcry in India over the Savita Halapannaver issue , in many ways we may be a bit
oudated and set in our beliefs but at least we dont tolerate the women of our socirty being raped Willy nilly on the streets
This brings a great shame to the Indian Goverment and Indian society as a whole
so a raped woman must have that baby in Ireland but the father will be banged up