Quote Originally Posted by doozer121 View Post
I take it they dont offer a refund if it dosnt work. sounds like a con.
tried the gum. found it makes me sick and was double the price of ciggs so i decided for the good of my health and finances id carry on smoking. maybe i should try hypnosis.
I bought a packet of the chewing gum once, disgusting stuff I thought, so chucked it out.

Keep trying to give up for your health though doozer.

Try the patches maybe?

My money saving tip for patches is buy the full strength ones always - NiQuitin Patches Step 1 - then cut them in half or even into 3 bits once your body doesn't need the full strength always, that way one patch lasts you 2 or 3 days. It is silly that the lower strength ones are the same price as the full strength ones, but they are!

Pat x

P.S. I started trying to give up about a year ago but ever since I kept going back to smoking socially then started smoking lightly every day again, then gave up totally again, then had a few sneaky cigs etc. Last weekend was my last weekend smoking I've decided. Haven't had a nasty nic since 15th June and I'm not going back now!