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Thread: Genuine escorts or trfficed girls???

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by samlad View Post
    It would be ideal if agencies were legalised, but then again, if they were, I would wonder how long it would take the public to accept them once they were legal.
    But it would be a start in the right direction ...

  2. #82
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    Apr 2008


    ..,,. .......
    Last edited by JAMESCORK; 06-12-12 at 16:33.

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilian View Post
    Well Ebay that a good comparism for Agencies , some get lucky others not , I was burned a few times and never used them again , a lesson learned and not worth the risk ( like Agencies i.m.o.)
    But how do you make shure the "Goods" /Escorts from an Agency ( sorry again for the comparism) are cosher , if you cant be certain the Agency is !
    Moving in circles , hence legalise AND control the Agencies !
    God I am agreeing with James Cork !
    Did that hurt???? Lol.

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  5. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brock View Post
    They will stop drugs or at least reduce the output. Some scumbag growing drugs and then selling them on to kids is not something that society should entertain.

    Look at all the scumbags in limerick that got sent down, burning people out of their homes because those people could not put up with their disgusting behaviour any longer, filthy scum dealing drugs to kids and thinking they own the towns and nightclubs, the bastards deservedly got sent down and by fuck they will stay down, scumbags! they destroy peoples lives and create crime.

    Some junkie addicted to heroin attacking an old woman on a street for a handbag is again not something that society should entertain.

    To be honest warmcome, you're putting up a weak argument, you say want to legalise cannabis and all that malarkey, you then frequently cite amsterdam as the leader in free-thinking and liberalisation whilst ignoring the fact that amsterdam is a breeding ground and tourist hotspot for junkies and drug dealing scum that do big deals in the area and try to import it to other countries creating insurmountable damage to society in the process.

    Yes, alcohol is also a drug and its dangerous yet tolerated, but the last thing society needs is more potheads abusing cannabis, theres already enough drunks and look at all the damage they cause in towns and cities.

    If some cunts, thinks that they can import drugs into a country and destroy society in the process, then they will have another thing coming. Most of them get sent down and deservedly so, kids going around streets off their head on drugs is not something society will ever entertain. They already abuse alcohol, the last thing they need is freely available legalised cannabis.
    have you used much cannabis? how can you decide what society
    needs or wants? you sound like an optimist though!
    Last edited by warmcome; 06-12-12 at 17:45.

  6. #85
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    Jan 2011


    Even independent ,popular escorts and give bad services to clients ...

    Escort agencies do it as well ...

    Being indie doesnt mean your service is better , only means you manage yourself .. period!!

  7. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by warmcome View Post
    the issue of sex trafficking is dubious enough without trying to staple it
    to the illicit drug industry. all trafficking is unacceptable (most of it is for cheap labour)

    secondly, most of ireland's drugs are grown here in the republic. you think you're going to 'stop' drugs?
    You misunderstand me Warmcome. I'm not trying to staple sex trafficking to the drugs industry. They are 2 different things altogether.

    What I was and am saying is that I don't think escorts who "might" use recreational drugs should be lecturing clients and taking the moral high ground about sex trafficking and telling them to grow a backbone when they themselves are involved in another form of human trafficking. They are just as guilty as pimps but in a different scenario. Still human trafficking though. Make sense?

    Like you have said and I have previously said, trafficking is trafficking no matter what guise or form it takes and is unacceptable. It is a case of pot calling kettle black by some escorts. That is what I have the issue with. The hypocrisy and moral high ground taken by some.

    I am not for one minute linking sex trafficking to the drugs trade. Please read my posts again. I am taking issue with the double standards expressed by some.

    I don't want to stop drugs, never said that, nor do I agree with your second point either, but that's a different thread for a different day and in no way linked to this.

  8. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brock View Post
    Your views are very much in the minority and for perfectly good reasons.

    Society does not accept drug dealing to kids, society does not accept junkies around streets harassing and threatening people. Society does not accept drug dealing scumbags profiting from destroying peoples lives.

    Thank fuck, you're not a politican running a country or deciding laws, if you were doing that the place would be overrun with junkies especially the urban centres.

    you sound like you're trying to convince someone? what you say is unacceptable
    appears to be what society has got day in, day out for years now?

    i think heroin use is prevailent in our urban centres, without my input in the dail?
    Last edited by warmcome; 06-12-12 at 18:30.

  9. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brock View Post
    Its unwise to conflate all forms of trafficking into the same basket, there are many types of trafficking, trafficking with the consent of the person being trafficked i.e. someone that agrees to be trafficked and knows they are going to be involved in the sex trade or something else.

    Then there is deceitful trafficking, someone who agrees to be trafficked in the assumption that they will be in the restaurant, catering industry etc, yet are decieved and beaten into the sex trade, thats a form of sexual exploitation, that should never be tolerated.

    There are also other forms, for instance if someone agrees to be trafficked and knows they are going to be selling sex beforehand upon arrival, yet upon entering the sex trade are expected to perform OWO, ANAL, ALL SERVICES ETC, EVEN POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS ONES AND EXPECTED TO SERVE 15 CLIENTS A DAY AND BE CONSTANTLY MOVED AROUND THE PLACE, THATS ALSO EXPLOITATION AND ITS ABUSE. Those people that agreed to be trafficked though and knew well full well they were going to be in the sex trade, really should have copped on and much education needs to be done in their own countries to stop it happening. Someone who uses that method to enter a country and gets abused and then cries help and gets residency in the country is a form of abusing the immigration process. Border control has a lot to fucking answer for.
    Theres a lot of escorts out there saying: "How the fuck do they get 15 Johns a day... I can only get 3 if Im lucky... Jammy bitches"...

  10. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brock View Post
    Common sense really, all services and lower price = more clients, thats what the genuine independent escorts have to compete with and its a shame, to even compete they are under pressure to perform things they don't agree with.

    Agencies having the monopoly and deciding what direction the trade is going is only more and more fuel for Ruhama.
    All services and lower price = different clients... not necessarily more bud

    No girl is getting anywhere near 15 a day!

  11. #90
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    l could fully agree with UKHeather so there are some Clients who pays a visit to such Escorts yet its really time the alarm to be
    raised..If the Clients are geniun,lol-----,

    Quote Originally Posted by UKHeather View Post
    Recently I was chatting with a client who told me about an experience which concerned him greatly. It had happened recently. There is very little doubt in my mind as to what was going on in the situation he described. It was made more worrying by his concern regarding the age of the girl that was literally pushed out of the door of the lounge to meet with him!!

    I'm not surprised you have never come across anyone who was in a situation other than of their own free will. I haven't either. Why would we? It's the clients who are going to come into contact with any such ladies.

    To insist that their are no ladies out there being trafficked or coerced is just as foolish as stating that no sex worker is ever working of their own free will.
    .. A Woman could be happy with any Man as long as she does not Marry him..""

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