Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post
Today, despite strenuous objections from Israel and the US , the United Nations has elected to elevate Palestine's status ,

which paves the way for possibly a free Palestinian State. A country of their own , internationally recognized.

And if that should come to pass , then all the Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory shall be

deemed illegal and shall be disassembled ?

What do you think ?

Are they terrorist or people fighting for self determination ,

essentially freedom fighters trying to throw off the Israeli yoke ??

It's a tough one Stephanie! If it weren't, it might have been solved by now!! To be honest, I don't think there will ever be a solution! They hate each other too much!!

But to answer you question - I do think that Palestine does need to have it's own state and given the appropriate recognition to do so (as the U.N. has started the ball rolling). This is of course complicated by the fact that the current Palestinian settlements are divided into two separate areas - the Gaza strip and the West Bank.

Yes, Israel needs to stop building new settlements, but equally the Palestinians need to stop sending mortars into Israel (and then wondering why Israel bombs the crap out of them!!). And the Palestinians need to accept Israel as a sovereign state. The powers that be in Palestine at present do not accept Israel as a state and want them to go elsewhere?? That isn't going to happen.