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Thread: E-I As Seen At A Bus Stop Near You...

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  1. #1


    U really dont want to be attracting the kind of attention that that would bring.

    It'd be all over Joe Duffy b4 u could blink and then the "authorities" would have to do something about it

  2. #2
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    Who is Joe Duffy?

    Back when I was working myself I used to have a regular called Joe Duffy? Roundy looking fellow with glasses, could it be the same one?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Thumbs down Really!!

    C'mon, anyone who has any interest in seeing an escort already knows to go to escort-ireland and if they didn't a simple Google search would point you in the right direction.
    Why bring all that grief on yourselves, as I am writing this I am also thinking "what could the authorities do", F all maybe but their are a couple of wizards working for them out their and if I was one of them it would be Bye-Bye E-I. Websites get hacked all the time and don't believe the BS that a website is so secure it cannot be hacked, and even if you feel secure they could go after your Advertisers, I wouldn't be happy advertising on a site that draws too much attention to itself especially seeing as it is already No.1
    Pay for adds on Google and Yahoo would be far more beneficial and would increase your hits.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by anon163 View Post
    C'mon, anyone who has any interest in seeing an escort already knows to go to escort-ireland and if they didn't a simple Google search would point you in the right direction.
    Why bring all that grief on yourselves, as I am writing this I am also thinking "what could the authorities do", F all maybe but their are a couple of wizards working for them out their and if I was one of them it would be Bye-Bye E-I. Websites get hacked all the time and don't believe the BS that a website is so secure it cannot be hacked, and even if you feel secure they could go after your Advertisers, I wouldn't be happy advertising on a site that draws too much attention to itself especially seeing as it is already No.1
    Pay for adds on Google and Yahoo would be far more beneficial and would increase your hits.
    Okay okay, I put this is the "Comedy" section of YouTube, because it was more us messing than a serious advertising idea...

    I admit, in all seriousness, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to try to advertise on bus stops...

    However I always like to consider new ideas, and also maybe a part of me would like to be bold enough to advertise on bus stops!

    It kinda gets my goat sometimes that we are supposed to keep our heads down here. I mean, of course E-I is an adult site, so we wouldn't want to be advertising it anywhere children would see the ads, but beyond that I sorta would like to be brazen sometimes!

    I don't like the way I sometimes read newspaper articles making out E-I is some sort of criminal underworld... It's not, it is consenting adults enjoying themselves, and there is nothing wrong with that... And I think sometimes us lying low feeds the idea that there is something wrong with this website, the ladies listed on it, the men visiting it...

    To give an example, a while back I was at a gathering where nobody knew I ran an escort website and somehow the topic of conversation got to escorts... Out of nowhere this well-educated seemingly intelligent Irish lady started saying all this bullshit like "Oh my god, it's terrible those poor women forced to sell themselves and those men abusing them, how can they live with themselves..." I had to interject at that point and point out that, whilst human trafficking is of course a heinous crime, most escorts in Ireland today are not trafficked women and likewise most Irish escort clients have no desire to abuse anyone. It was no good though, this lady was having none of it and hit back telling me she had read all about the escort business, watched tv programmes on it etc, and I was wrong... Nearly all escorts in Ireland today are trafficking victims and the sick men that use these services get a thrill out of abusing them etc. At that point I could have said ""Listen, I was an escort and now and run an escort website, so don't tell me you know it all and I know nothing..." but it wasn't the time and the place so I shut my mouth and instead sat back and listened to all these people talking about the horrifying hooker situation in Ireland today.

    Another example, Neil Entwistle, currently on trial for murdering his wife and kid... Last week all the newspapers were full of "Entwhistle Visited Escort Websites!" headlines, and the way a lot of them put it across was as if they thought visiting an escort website was the perfect qualification for being a cold-blooded killer... It just didn't seem balanced reporting, seemed more like some of the journos thought that anyone that visited an escort website must be violent and mentally ill etc.

    So what do you think lads and ladies, does anyone else get annoyed sometimes with the negative press this business can get?

    Should I take out a series of ads in the Irish Times advising the general public that most escorts are in fact independent women, not trafficking victims, and most escort clients are just normal men who enjoy sex with attractive consenting females, not sick freaks who want to abuse women etc?

  5. #5
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    Default serious

    What i cant believe patricia is the amount of guys that thought u were serious jesus its
    no wonder we are taken in by false pictures and profiles

  6. #6

    Smile Make a poll

    Make a poll
    I have change my mind about it. Really, it is not good idea at all. Escorts would go to advertise in another site as we don't want our families log in adds to see our pics & services there.
    I will be a dead body if certain people knows I am advertising there or I will kill one of my family member's of a heart attack or how many heart's broken I will cause.
    Loads of escorts have teenage kids, the kids haven't got a clue of what they mothers do.
    So it is better keep it as it is. You are the best, don't change.

  7. #7
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    Can u ask the camera crew stop moving the bus stop?
    I m still lurking sometimes ;-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Default Tax

    As the Escort business is nearly always cash, dont go bringing down the Taxman upon yourself, prices up 21%!!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by pigsmickey View Post
    As the Escort business is nearly always cash, dont go bringing down the Taxman upon yourself, prices up 21%!!!
    All our prices already include VAT @ 17.5% (which is the rate for UK based companies). We know we have to pay our taxes.

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