High, I hope this Post finds you Bronzed and not to Broke after the Glorious weekend, (not a bad oulde patch we have when the sun remembers where we live, is it ?)

Totally Lighthearted Question and for the Escorts...but Clients please, by all means also...

Ok, I know what the term means, and it must be an awful off putting experience to find yourself in an Escort’s Apartment and it resembles Mission control in Houston or Pinocchio’s creators workshop with Clocks, Egg timers and Metronomes strewn liberally and purposefully around, and a countdown clock with the next clients estimated time of arrival inexorably making its way to zero reflected onto the ceiling. Christ, you’d have to have to have a horn to rival the Spire.(which I played a tiny part in its fabrication btw) to not be affected, and my heart goes out to anyone that’s happened to.

It gives new meaning to the term Time and Motion study...

Any Escort who really isn’t bothered by a few minutes here or there has a really admireable quality and sign of a nice person, but iv’e seen many remarks from clients of there not being any clock in sight, and well... Lady’s, I’m curious, hand’s up, cards on the table, Biological clock aside, really, you must have a Seiko squirreled away somewhere or a Casio concealed surely, or some means of gauging time fairly accurately ?

The Client might hum this...
Aqua – If I could turn back time

The Escort might hum this...
Europe – The Final Countdown

Time and a ride wait for no man!!! LOL

Also, whats the rivalry between this “other Site” I hear mention of ????