Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
High, I really appreciate the nice posts, I just wanted to clear up a few things from those Posts, and other things.

I think I’ve offended Anna S when I said not to change how she post’s, can Alexi or Bigpaws please please explain to her it was meant as an absolute compliment, I feel bad. I should have elaborated (SWEET JESUS NO PLEASE NOOOOOOOOO I HEAR ALL SHOUT) English is a second language to Her and if I was trying to type Spanish, I would be arrested for cruelty to the Spanish people, I actually understand her perfectly, in fact better then a lot of Irish Poster’s. I just love the way and manner in which it flows, and to an Irish ear she has a secret weapon that she should not lose, so if anything her English is perfect as it is.and it is absolutely cute, as any Man here would atest.

Alexi,, Given’ what he’s packin it’s gotta be Mr. Big Stuff, he’s gone over the terms and conditions of whats expected of him, and seems ok with it (Why is it Stallion’s are born with what men can only dream of (Except Bigblack) I didn’t mean any offense Bigblack, when I asked if you could pick up Sky on it, it’s just your old Avatar nearly took my eye out as I’ve got one of those new 3D monitor’s.lol

Now it’s been surmised that I’ve headed for the hill’s because of Bullying (Westie I’ll get to you later, I’m in Good Friday Mode right now and not Bloody Sunday so don’t circle the wagons)
Lads that not the case, I’m 6 foot, 17 stone and have been cutting trees since I was 13 and chased by up to half a dozen hairy arsed Fisheries Officers uphill and down dale in pitch darkness for almost as long, (How do I know there Hairy ? what happens on the Blackwater stays on the Blackwater but oh if those woods could talk) so I don’t scare easy, and have never been bullied as I’m lucky that I look like someone not to be messed with even though I’m harmless, and rather that then the other way around.

I hadn’t realized that I went on a bit it’s just that I naturally write in a conversational manner that might be alien to the CU8R Generation, plus it was drilled into me how to write a proper letter. And I also wanted avoid the pitfall I’ve noticed here of not explaining things and having half a dozen posts jumping on you with statements like “Your forgetting this that and the other” so maybe in the long run mine aren’t that long at all. As you can get a little groggy try’na remember, right he said that, but that bits just a quote and that’s in Italic so she said that bit, Jesus is it not better to just cover all the bases and be done with it.

Also I have to clarify as I believe in being Honest, I was called an Intellectual and I’m flattered, and I could stay stum and bask in the glory but I was was rolling in the rafters at the thought becuase I left school early and it’s just not possible to be that with so little Conventional Education. I do make it my business to find out about anything that interests me, and I’m vicious in a pub quiz, hence me here annoying the living f**k out of people.for a short while.(I’m kinda like the Borg in that respect and resistance is futile)

Now Westie, I’ve been mulling it over and our little run in stemmed from me Posting the Line I hope the West’s awake, I explained what that means and if was nothing to do with you, but having thought about it, I suppose if you thought is was at you then that would have constituted the start of Piss taking season by me in your eyes and things got a little out of hand after that, but I do let you know now that I found the remark of being insulted to be confused for me was a bit strong and soon into said piss taking season and would like to say that 1 part logic and 1 part reason will get you a lot further ANYWHERE then 10 parts gut reaction.

I would like to apologize to someone called Delmonte as he felt I had accused him of being hard of thinking, and has cause to as it does read like that, I made that statement as he said he was sorry to burst my bubble on something I had no bubble about and I did get frustrated because someone before insisted twice that I was living in an Ivory tower with everything perfect in the garden, and I do get mad at that, because I’ve worked hard as we all have to ensure everything does stay rosy in there Garden’s as when lads where wondering when there voices would break I was trying to talk people out of cutting there wrists and that’s only the tip of things. So it’s far from Ivory towers I was reared, and don’t feel its naive to strive for better and just accept the status quo Delmontes not going to see this as he said he would no longer read my tread, but sorry anyway, I should have separated him from the person who really had gotten on my nerves. I’m not claiming a monopoly on bad luck as I’m all the stronger for it, so nothing here is going to knock a jott out of me. I’m just trying to give insight as to the reasons for my stance and my bigger questions on things, and there not just to appear to be a on soap box for the sake of it.

As someone said they thought I walked out of a James Joyce novel (Not offended btw), well I’ve always spoke this way and am getting a bit of a complex about it, I think its pretty average grammar,

Bigpaws and Everyone, as to to your question, its all there in the first Paragraph, I had hoped to ask maybe 2 or 3 question’s before I called it a day, one that goes right to the heart of the Industry as a whole for as long as it’s been around, but no matter how I word that one its going to sound like a pop at people who I genuinely don’t include in it, if they don’t get where I’m coming from asking it, and a lesser question would require a truce or dare I use the word Moratorium on clients/contrib. bringing down the hammer on an Escort giving her honest answer to that question without fear of it affecting her Fiscally. Once I’d asked those, thats kind of the heavy stuff out of the way, and I would fade to grey unless I got a flash of inspiration or something. But I said I’d end early as I kind of kicked of a bit of a Barney, and I would not like to outstay my warm welcome as I’d only be going over old ground, and a field plowed trice, will nare a crop thrive

On a lighter note,

Carlos, my man... I thought you were ,manning the battlement’s at the GPO ya Black N Tan, remember Rourks Drift and all that, (You probably do remember it to lol)
I got the impression you did’nt believe me about me and the Duke (our Dev as he insists I call him)
If you didn’t believe that you probably won’t believe me if I told you I was Shelled by the Irish Army when I was 9 and walked (well OK ran) out the other side without a scratch. So I kind of fell between two stools as I had the English Establishment and the Irish State gunning (Literally) for me.

i will be honest about a few things,

(a) if you read my posts for any decent length ot time, then youd understand my type of humour.

(b) if you found the remark of being insulted a bit strong then i apologise for that.Just for the record even if you were 2 ft tall ,3 stone and zipping your fly since you were nine i would still say sorry.(if your ever looking for a gym in cork then come and lift with me.Im looking for a training partner and the bigger the better.

(c) if you look back there was no run in came from me.

Anyway ,not important at this stage.You gave a little background to yourself and you mention some things, Rourkes Drift being one, that shows you are well read and knowlegable and have a little history in your head.Regardless of what you say or think about me (it would mean nothing to me) i do think at the end of the day ,your a good guy and a gentleman.I know your type well.A quiet well mannered guy with a lot of patence but able to mind himself.

Anyway not important.Take it easy and hey, your posts are very long.
