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Am I a criminal?

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I suppose I'll stop punting if "Ruhama's" proposals ever become legislation. But that possible scenario got me thinking. How would I feel if I realised that I would never have sex again? What awful despair would that be? What kind of dark lonliness would overtake me? How could that be good for my mental or physical health? Worse, what could that kind of frustration over a number of years do to a man?

Sex is a very natural act. It's fun, but it's very private. There is no cause for the state to come into the bedroom with me. I have been a client for 25 years and I've meet 100's of wonderful girls. I have always treated them with the respect that I would expect to show a girlfriend or wife or mother. On only 5 or so occasions did I have cause to wonder about how the girl could have come to be in that place and time.

Forcing a woman to have sex is totally abhorrent. But the state should concentrate it's efforts on targeting these very few instances rather than enforcing a blanket ban. And the talk about economic coercion is disingenuous. Where do you stop with that argument? There are women having sex tonight in loveless marriages because they cannot afford the alternatives. There are women doing other jobs that they absolutely hate and for much much less money. I left Ireland as a young man in order to get a good job. I was economically coerced and we would laugh at the idea of Irish cops at the border turning me back.

Sex is joyful fun. Prostitution has existed since the dawn of time and will continue, regardless of religion or legislation. If the girl is happy to participate then it is a positive contribution to society rather than a negative. Properly regulate the industry rather than criminalising it. Banning something creates the danger of organised crime taking over - remember what a wonderful success Prohibition was in the States.

My time with escorts has enriched me. It was not a sin. it was not a crime. it was just being human.

Apologies for the rant. Keep well.


  1. Forrest's Avatar
    It will be a ridiculous law, if it actually comes into legislation.

    We have become an absolute Nanny state, with far too many laws being brought in telling us what we can or can't do. There will, of course, be ways around this law, as there will have to be proof that you actually paid an escort for sex. All you need to do in the future, should the new law be brought in, is be even more careful. Where there's a will, there's a way.

    Escorting certainly saved me from the abyss when I thought all hope was gone.
    Fuck the Government. Carry on having fun.