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Three Questions

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1. A man rode into town on Friday. He stayed for three nights and then left on Friday. How come?

2. A large wooden barn is completely empty except for a dead man hanging from the middle of the central rafter. The rope around his neck is ten feet long and his feet are three feet off the ground. The nearest wall is 20 feet away from the man. It is not possible to climb up the walls or along the rafters. The man hanged himself. How did he do it?

3. A landlord is threatening to evict a father and his beautiful young daughter, unless she agrees to marry him. In a false gesture of sincerity, he offers her an opportunity for her and her father to remain in the house, without marrying him. He has a silk bag in which he says he has placed a white and a black stone from the footpath on which they're standing. If she picks the white stone from the bag, without looking, she wins; if she picks the black, she loses. However, the young girl saw him place two black stones in the bag. She can't expose him in front of the witnesses without angering him and making things worse. How does the clever girl win?

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  1. Doozer's Avatar
    Friday is the name of his horse
  2. LikeaLick's Avatar
    The horse's name was friday... The other 2 no idea.
  3. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Well done Doozer and LikeaLick. One down two to go. :)
  4. jimmydee's Avatar
    For Question 3
    She choses a stone, keeps it in her palm and asks him to show her fate by exposing the remaining stone
  5. jimmydee's Avatar
    For Question 3.....Did he stand on a horse to place the noose around his neck. When the horse bolted, it left the barn.???
  6. jimmydee's Avatar
    sorry thats for Q2
  7. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Good logical answers Jimmydee but not the answers I have. :)
  8. b_dog's Avatar
    he climbed the rope first
  9. jimmydee's Avatar
    She chooses a stone and quickly drops it onto the path among the others, now there is only the black one left in the bag so everyone pressumes she choose, and lost the white one.
  10. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=b_dog;bt2205]he climbed the rope first[/QUOTE]

    Good shot b_dog but not the answer I have. :)
  11. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=jimmydee;bt2206]She chooses a stone and quickly drops it onto the path among the others, now there is only the black one left in the bag so everyone pressumes she choose, and lost the white one.[/QUOTE]

    That about sums it up Jimmydee. Well done and 2 down one to go. :)
  12. mellors's Avatar
    2) Did he jump through the roof ?
  13. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=mellors;bt2209]2) Did he jump through the roof ?[/QUOTE]

    Afraid not Mellors. You are just going to love the answer to this one lol :)
  14. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Did he climb the rope ,when at the top pulled it up and tied it around his neck then dropped to his death.
  15. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Did he climb the rope ,when at the top pulled it up and tied it around his neck then dropped to his death.[/QUOTE]

    Sounds a good way Legs but not the answer. Hope this one don't keep you awake too late lol. :)
  16. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Question 2
    Ok magic this is the way I see it.
    20 ft - 10ft rope - approx 5ft man neck to toes minus 3ft gap leaves 2ft platform required.
    Some how the platform must disappear?
    It could be made from straw which the cows ate and left the man hanging or made from ice or snow and melts causing death by hanging.
  17. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=Legswideopen;bt2214]Question 2
    Ok magic this is the way I see it.
    20 ft - 10ft rope - approx 5ft man neck to toes minus 3ft gap leaves 2ft platform required.
    Some how the platform must disappear?
    It could be made from straw which the cows ate and left the man hanging or made from ice or snow and melts causing death by hanging.[/QUOTE]

    Quite brilliant the way you worked that out Legs and absolutely correct. :)

    He climbed on a block of ice which has since melted.
  18. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Your riddles should come with a health warning especially if not solved the same day as posted 
  19. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Yes guess they should Legs and must be quite frustrating at times.) lol :)