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Human transportation

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First blog entry so thankyou mr magic for giving me the inspiration to start putting thoughts into blogs.

This is really a follow up of the Time travel blog.
If you are able to complete human transportation would it actually be you being transported to a new location instantly or a carbon copy of your particles. If so what happens to the original person. Is there a parallel universe and we jump or transport from one another. I think time travel and transportation are different as transportation will always be in the present.
Any thoughts


  1. magicalman9357's Avatar
    When I think of human transportation in the context you are using it reminds me of the way it happened in the Star Trek films where the characters were beamed up in particles from one location to another.
    In regards to a paralled universe here is a good description from Wikipedia which I have just read myself for the first time.

    Great Blog idea and something that has always fascinated me. Also I believe if it can be thought about it can happen. :)
  2. Legswideopen's Avatar
    The laws of physics may make it possible and the particles would need to travel at the speed of light . The problem is where the person's body would be reconstructed with exact precision. Molecules couldn't be even a millimeter out of place, without the person having some severe neurological or physiological defect.
  3. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Just read your link magic and it reminded me of a programme called Quantum leap.
  4. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Used to love watching Quantum Leap. Wouldn't it be great to be able to do that?
  5. Legswideopen's Avatar
    I would even settle for the hand held gadget ziggie
  6. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Yes that would do nicely lol
  7. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by magicalman9357
    Used to love watching Quantum Leap. Wouldn't it be great to be able to do that?
    Quantum leap is on ITV 4 6pm
  8. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Yes maybe I can leap back to then and watch it lol
  9. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by magicalman9357
    Yes maybe I can leap back to then and watch it lol
    now thats funny lol