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Christmas Presents

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Another Christmas and before the big day arrives I can guess what I am going to get. After shave (which I never use), hankies, deoderant (a hint there somewhere) razor blades, socks, underwear, and lots of sweets in the form of mainly chocolate treats.
I'm not complaining as I feel lucky to be getting anything at all but it would be nice if for once someone showed a little bit of creativity when choosing things. Even a different type of socks rather than the usual black ones and how about some dark chocolate rather than milk? I guess not though as tradition will have it that I will receive the same things each year. Not to worry though as it's the thought that counts. :)


  1. Sam Spade's Avatar
    You are right there. My wife told me that I still havened opened up my aftershave from last year. After a slap on the wrist, I have realised that I must dispose of some items before the next years delivery comes.
    Could think of some other present I would like, but perhaps I should keep this to myself.
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Yes Mark and can guess what your present may be. Would very much like that myself. We can but hope :)
  3. dr love's Avatar
    Well we try to kid ourselves thinking it's the taught counts feck I'll leave there : doc