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dr love

The fecking weather

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Is it only me or is any one else fecked up with the weather .


  1. magicalman9357's Avatar
    It's like a skating rink here doc. Walked to shop today as too risky to take the car and seriously slippery outside. Roll on summer. :)
  2. dr love's Avatar
    Where is that magicalman, no snow in Carlow but the frost and wind chill Christ it's like the Baltic : doc
  3. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Currently Belfast but Croydon soon. Carlow sounds cool though :)
  4. Sam Spade's Avatar
    We have had the snow and ice long enough in Belfast.
    Time we exported that white stuff!
  5. mr maxi's Avatar
    hey Doc , I'm cool with the weather.
    Finished up from work , all supplies in , prezzies bought so long may it snow.
    Hibernation for 3 weeks.
  6. dr love's Avatar
    Maxi you smug bollix where's mine lol doc
  7. mr maxi's Avatar
    hey Doc , i wrapped your prezzie and even strapped her legs behind her ears and stuck her to the door ready for collection but with the bad weather no one would collect........Sorry bud but i kept her here for safe keeping but you should get her tomorrow......Enjoy
  8. dr love's Avatar
    Cleaver clogs maxi and the doc will enjoy. Thanks for having my interests at heart : doc