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Choices, choices, choices...

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I am by no means a seasoned veteran of escorting, but I have visited a few escorts in my time. I am aware I've only got two reviews; that doesn't reflect all the escorts I've visited.

So, why have a written this blog? Well, I am at a small quandary as to who I shall see next, and I wanted to write my thoughts down on paper (so to speak) and rationalise it all out.

I am a young guy (mid to early 20s), yet I seem to visit mostly mature escorts. I think that's a reflection of my nervousness about meeting a younger escorts. I've got an (unfounded?) idea that visiting a younger escort would be more intimidating and, therefore, quell any chance of me relaxing and having a good time!!

I feel like most of the escorts I've met have held back slightly (mainly the mature ones), and I think that's because of my age. I certainly look young and I feel that that scuppers my chances of getting a true GFE with an older woman. EVERY mature escort I have visited has commented on how young looking I am. Then, they often proceed to treat my like a tender petal, and an inexperienced teenager. They tend not to go headfirst into GFE with a man who looks so like he popped straight out of school :P.

Contrary to popular belief, younger men CAN perform sexual acts without prematurely ejaculating after 4 seconds!!! :P. Give me the chance!!

There have been a few younger ladies whose photos have tickled my fancy though: Irish Alex, and pretty much any of the Czech women certainly push my buttons. I think I would have a much better chance of a GFE with one of the younger ladies - I just need to get over this whole idea of them being more intimidating.

I hope Santa makes up my mind for me and brings me a surprise :P.


