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Most Sexual Partners

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When it comes to having sex with different people, Danes apparently lead the way, according to a study conducted by MetroXpress newspaper.

Metro International, which publishes freesheets in 18 countries worldwide, surveyed 5,483 of its readers in eight EU countries, the US and Canada.

The questionnaire found that one out of every six Danes has casual sex regularly – a figure three times the average of the other nine countries’ readers surveyed.

In addition, one in four Danes has had more than 20 sex partners in their lives, compared with one in seven for the survey average.

Sexologist Vivi Hollænder said Denmark has a ‘tradition for sexual freedom’ and that abortion does not have the same social stigma here as in most other countries.

The study also found that Danes are less prone to homosexual relationships than in other countries. Only one in 25 Danes said they had ever had sex with someone of the same sex, while one in six Americans claimed to have done so.

The Copenhagen Post...


  1. Laoch's Avatar
    nice, gotta get myself over there haha