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Blogs and Discussions

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I have posted more than a few Blogs here and for some reason I don't get many responses. I have noticed this is similar for other people posting Blogs. Whilst I realise my Blogs are not the most interesting as yet I find it difficult to understand why on the discussion boards there are lots of responses to postings including my own and sometimes instantly.
Do people read the Blogs? or is it more time consuming to respond to them? Would be interested to know possible answers, that's if anyone decides to respond.


  1. madjack's Avatar
    Hi,i read all posts and blogs but don't answer many as i made a balls of it a few times. Even though i am punting long before e.i. came on the scene. Having said that e.i. is the best thing even better than the sliced pan. Nice to know that i am not alone i just have no confidence. cheers Madjack
  2. El Gordo's Avatar
    Blogs don't get many comments. If you want a discussion then the boards are better.