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Erection Problems

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Does anyone have a problem maintaining an erection? If so how do you deal with it?
Not expecting too many replies for this one and don't have a problem myself but curious to know how this is overcome. Anyone brave enough to reply? :):):)


  1. Room303's Avatar
    Ive only started on this (great) site and twice ive genuinely had problems i think its more nerves than anything else
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Yes I believe that's the case for many people. Thanks for replying.
  3. ThomasJ's Avatar
    I have suffered problems with this for about 2 years now - I was unfit and overweight. Started to take excercise and watch my diet - I have lost 15Kg. Now I feel much more confident with the girls and the frequency of the problem has reduced.
  4. robijntje's Avatar
    I simply cannot engage in sexual intercourse the first time I meet a lady, be it an escort or not. I'm too nervous, and don't know who she is and all that. It's embarrassing, but what do you do about it
  5. Laoch's Avatar
    I've never done it but i heard a finger up the ass fixes it straight away, preferably from the partner. Not for everyone of course, but its suppose to sort it straight out.