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Pretty Women and Manipulation

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Throughout my life I have often found myself to be manipulated by females with a pretty smile. I am not sure why this is but I believe that many women have natural built in capabilities to manipulate men into getting what they want. What I have noticed is that this mostly applies to sexy and beautiful females whereas ladies not so gifted in this category seem to be less likely to be as good at this. For some reason when the charm is turned on it seems so difficult to say no whether this be in a relationship or friendship and I think what annoys me most is I am quite aware I am being a sucker but allow myself to fall for it.

I would be very interested to hear what other guys and the ladies think about this. Like why are men so incredibly easy to manipulate and do women get some kind of buzz doing it?

If I go out for a nice meal somewhere and I am served by a female who loooks very pretty and sexy and says the right things then am I more inclined to leave a good tip regardless of the quality of the food? I think possibly yes as I feel compelled to do so. Now on the other hand if I am served by someone not quite so charming and attractive i don't feel the same compulsion. This is so wrong in my own view as I am very much into equality of everything so it must be some form of psychological thing.

It would also be useful to know if both clients and escorts have this type of experience on visits etc. Also, would be nice to hear the other side of the argument iin that are men bigger manipulators or not. :)


  1. Banger's Avatar
    I think its a confidence thing. Beautiful women are more effective at flirting and "manipulating"men than less beautiful women because they generally have more confidence. Ive known some average looking women who always seem to get what they want because they know how to flirt in a confident playful way.

    I dont know about you but I think the reason why Im so easily controlled by beautiful flirtatious women is because its so rare for a beautiful woman to flirt with me
    Even when I know its just for a tip it still brings a smile to my face
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Very good points here and thanks very much for your input :)