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Smells and Scents

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From a personal point of view I much prefer a natural scent of a female than entering a room to be choked with perfume and deodorant. Not sure why this is and perhaps there is some type of Freudian explanation but i do enjoy the aroma of sweat and all those other body fluids which are more arousing than the other stuff. Does anyone else feel this way and how do escorts feel about this in a reverse situation. From what I read most female escorts prefer a male to shower before and after but there must eb an exception to the rule or am I alone?


  1. Rayden's Avatar
    While I make every effort and then some to be as clean and fresh for an appointment, I too have a fondness for the natural scent of a lady.
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    So I am not alone alone. That is so good to hear :)
  3. Last time's Avatar
    It is human nature that we have a natural scent to attract the opposite sex. I was listening to the radio last week about the importance of female pubic hair (a stange topic for radio). Among the reasons was that it clings on the vaiginal scent that attracts the male.
    I do love the smell of sweat and juices as it can be really arousing but they have to be somewhat fresh other wise can have the opposite effect! I'd imagine the same goes with females. I've had girls who seemed to get the same arousal from smelling my chest or neck..I would try but it's a bit like giving yourself a just can't do it!
  4. robijntje's Avatar
    Where I go, there simply is no natural scent, always a certain perfume (have to ask which one). But I have no problem with that as it just 'fits' her and seems to compute with everything else. Hell, if I smell her perfume somewhere on the street, I turn my head and smile