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Violette's Blog

Latte Spoons.

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Anyone who knows me, knows I adore coffee. Be it an espresso, or a sweet milky latte, I love the stuff. But, lately I am beginning to become a bit put off when ordering lattes. The reason being for this sudden aversion, are the spoons. Let me be clearer, the lack of proper spoons for the tall latte cups they are served in. There I am sitting in a nice cool restaurant, having just finished a nice warmed croissant with jam and butter, flakes of pastry all over my fingers, and this lovely masterpiece of gastronomic simplicity is presented before me. A latte, in a lovely 'v' shaped tall glass cup, the coffee and milk not having settled produce a graduated effect, the frothy head is a perfect crown. I sigh in contentment, reach for the brown sugar crystals, sprinkle them on top of the forth, wait for them to sink to the bottom of the cup, watching the progress, once everything is settled, I reach for the spoon. This is where it all goes flat. The spoon is a teaspoon, designed for a short squat cup. Consequently after my vain attempt to stir with this spoon it disappears into the latte cup beneath the froth, leaving me with a barely sweetened cup of coffee, sticky fingers and a strong desire to clobber the management. How difficult is it to have slightly longer spoons for lattes?
Tags: coffee, spoons
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  1. ThomasJ's Avatar
    At last - I have been moaning about this for ages - not a problem when I go to Spain or France - the lack of a suitable spoon ruins the whole experience. Glad to know I am not the only perfectionist when it comes to my coffee. Nice blog.

  2. Violette's Avatar
    Thank you, it does ruin it completely! It is good to know I am not alone.
  3. monster_monster's Avatar
    if the restaurant can't supply the spoons then claim they aren't providing the full "latte" service and don't pay for it, just point blank refuse. maybe they'll cop on after a while of people doing this, I'm always at this sort of carry on, I spent to much of my teen years doing a good job in the frontline service industry that it really pisses me off when I pay good money and get shite back.
  4. Violette's Avatar
    I think the problem stems for the fact, that Ireland isn't traditionally a coffee culture. Although the tea sometimes is so strong, it can be mistaken for coffee. Bracing stuff. A latte is milk and espresso, not just milk and coffee, so the management might think why the fuss? But if you are a serious coffee drinker, and have experienced coffee in different cultures, then it is self explanatory.