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A Rather Dramatic Post

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There comes a stage, somewhere between 22 and a half and 23, where the world loses it's colour. Vibrant reds and pinks become more muted, White is now an off centre beige and black - now more a slur than the shield of strength you once wore everyday
( fellow emo's...)

It is a process universal to all 23 year olds since time began but ever so much harsher on the Millennial - The world you were taught you could with enough indigence, well placed rage, and organisation change, remains an unfair and uncaring place. Those mit whom you smoked blunts and talked economics and Human Rights with over gas fires in ramshackle settlements posing as a protest -ha! Half of them are accountants now, or worse lawyers.

You've put on or lost those 6 pounds you needed to be your ideal bodyweight just in time to reach the age where weight gain/weight loss is inevitable. You've made peace with the madness that is Sanity, learnt to hide your quirks long enough to get A Real Job whilst ignoring dreams of what might have been (being the next Rihanna obviously), and you'd much rather stay in by the fire reading your Kindle with a nice Pinot Noir than dare the jungle of Urban Nightlife.

Ach yes, you've settled a bit. Yet even in this state there are those few magnicificent things you look forward to. No, not the latest episode of Empire. No not an announcement of a second series of Aziz Ansaris brilliant Master of None - not even your paycheck in my case because if and when that is a disappointment you can just PUG Athlone.- Nay, tis the simple things, the comforting whirr of the coffee maker, the burning mellow taste of that mornings' ciggerate, and of course, your Porn stars.

On Nov 28th, (my beloved Stoya) posted alarming allegations about James Deen. You know, the real life Wolowitz. I'm using Wolowitz as short hand for Randy Jew from now on, stop me if you can hee hee.

On Nov. 30th, one of the few websites I subscribe to suspended James Deens' contract over the allegations

Since then at least 8 other porn starlets have come out with their own stories.
When pressed on why these allegations weren't framed as a police report, one of them replied that it wasn't as if most Porn companies are large enough to have a HR department, and let's not even get started on how American police often treat Female sex workers who report an assult;

That's without even mentioning a certain case a certain someone (who is definitely not writing this blogpost) had to look at for a Debate type thing in which a Pennsylvanian Judge ruled the gang rape of a Sex worker at gun point as 'theft of services'

Recently there's been a bit of buzz about how every time RTE airs one of its' "Exposés" on Prostitution business drops and Clients get wary. But really, we bring it uponm ourselves don't we?

But whereas I can rightfully understand how getting involved in adovacating for Sex Worker rights can be a frightful and costly experience for Independent sex workers I can not. Absolutely canne/can fucking not believe it extends to our hallowed porn. I mean there, surely, of all places it would be understood that simply because women are sex workers that does not mean they are sub-human.

Oh well, another one bites the dust.
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