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Violette's Blog

My Cat the Evil Genius.

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Now I have been home for the past three weeks, and have began to observe somethings. My cat is a junkie, plain and simple. The more cat nip I give him the more he wants, and will come demanding his daily fix, with great insistence, and the occasional poke to the ankle. After giving him his catnip, I know I am an enabler, he will proceed to stretch out in the darndest places. Atop the dinning room table, paws in the air. In the dark hall way in the middle of the floor, where I can't see him and will inevitably trip over him, causing him to yowl at me in annoyance. Or on the over sized chair, right in the middle, so you can't sit next to him.
But still, for the past nine years I have allowed him to reside with me. I feed him, play with him, give him drugs, take him to the vet, and they say cats are stupid! It is all an act.


  1. Alec Horan's Avatar
    did u ever drop him from the roof to see if he could land on his legs?
  2. Violette's Avatar
    That is horrible! He has fallen off of the bed and chairs, and I tell you was a bit worse for wear. He is an old fellow, much adored and fussed by the divas of the house. I can say with a certainty he is one pampered pussy.
  3. Last time's Avatar
    They do land on there legs! I remember being in a flat with friends when I was a student. We were pretty stoned and this cat was on our window sill. So someone shot him with a water pistol (as you do) and the little bollock got a shock and jumped!! We were 3 floors up! We all looked at each other with our hands over our mouths and slowly walked over to the window excepting to see cat splat on the pavement below. But no. No sigh of the little fecker. Must have made it and wisked himself off....