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Curvaceous Kate's meandering thoughts!

Part 3

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Rt. Hon. Peter Robinson MLA, First Minister of Northern Ireland, Leader of the Democratic Union Party

Not much to report here really. He showed his support to Lord Morrow and commended him for fighting for clause 6, saying that it would have been much easier to pass this bill if he had left it out and this bill has been in the making now for the last two and a half years, so much time has past and I do wonder how many trafficked victims have not been helped in that time for hanging on to this clause that will do more harm than good?

I personally feel let down by politicians that are all too eager to believe what they here without seeking any evidence. Without doing the proper research and with out really caring about the people in their community, as believe it or not, sex workers are part of the community and they should have rights too. They should be protected too, but in this case, they are needing protection from careless politics and politicians, who are far too busy trying to 'look good', than really care about the good they are doing, or not in this case.

Closing Remarks
Arlene Foster MLA, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Nothing much to report here really. There was a lot of back slapping and pleas for people to send letters in support of the bill and how wonderful it was to have a letter of support from Jimmy Carter. It is such a shame that his support is misguided, as this clause does nothing to help those that are trapped in this industry, but if anything hems them in, while they concentrate on entrapping and fining the clients.
If you would like to find out more about this bill then please do visit the site that was newly launched just Yesterday at

The bill is at its most critical stage, being stage 5 of 10 stages. Once this stage is complete, there is either a clear path to bring the bill in complete with clause 6 or for taking it back to basics and reviewing the areas that are rejected. If anyone is reading this and like me, believes that this bill is not being produced to help those that need it most, but to punish those they feel morally should not be having sex with other consenting adults then please show your hand. Make it known under what ever guise you feel comfortable that this bill will only make things worse, it will drive the honest and innocent (yes sex workers are innocent with regards to trafficking) underground, it will put their lives in jeopardy and it will destroy the lives of clients, who only seek to spend time with other consenting adults for a fee. This is not a crime, this is simply a transaction between two adults.

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you can see how misguided trust is a very dangerous thing.