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Peace, however, is Free

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Times are these days I've seen how ineffectual words, song, or even facts are against the bitter core nestled inside some folk.

Time was I had assumed that all those involved in this work did so out of the same sense of freedom and curiosity I held. Money was a factor, of course it was, but the beauty remained.

This one so supposedly sordid industry was a place where Truth had a chance to breathe. No, not new life into the world or fire into the long dead eyes of the populace ; Just a simple magnificent truth. I'm horny, you're horny. Pass the Envelope and lets get it on

For me that Truth remains. Yeah I genuinely like my work, my guys, my gals, hell even the frickin' commute through the Blasted Lands.
Maybe that makes me a darn fool but you know what I don't care. I do this for me and don't y'all know I still have some of the nicest, smartest, cheekiest dudes as clients.

I like to think it's because I'm nice, cheeky and smart. Way some folks talk on these boards does make me wonder...what kind of company are they keeping? Where are all the powerful independent women out there? y'know, the kind who understand independence also means not relying on others for your power.

Personal power being personal and wot , is innate after all.

I'm familiar with the power of words. I also know Style, Sass, and Sexy talk - 'course they gotta charge but hey guess what;

Updated 08-06-14 at 17:24 by Cassandra

Tags: o reali


  1. Jaygoodtimes's Avatar
    Peace sells................but who's buying?
  2. Cassandra's Avatar
    Hello Jay