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His eminence

Bring back the Birch!

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I first got the Birch about 20 years ago when I visited a dominatrix called Elizabeth who was operating in a type of warehouse behind Bachelors Walk and Liffey Street, it was quite an amazing place in that she had changing rooms for cross-dressers and she held parties at the weekend, they had a little bar and she had a very authentic English school room and she had half a dozen Birch rods hanging on the wall.

Elizabeth’s modus operandi with the Birch was that the recipient had to be restrained and she had a wonderful birching stand with authentic leather straps that really bound you into the position and you were completely helpless.

Elizabeth was tough and while she started off slowly the Birch is a real stinger and it takes about six or seven seconds for the effect to sink in and she knew how to Birch like there was no tomorrow and wasn’t afraid to spare the rod.

The problem with the Birch is that it has a short shelflife in that it is liable to fall apart after a really good birching unless the mistress really takes good care of the rod and has soaked it well overnight and has some backup Birch rods available.

There really is nothing to compare with the Birch and the sensation is exquisite,
