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Violette's Blog

The Irish Drinking Gene

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It is a painful admission, but in the light of a preponderance of evidence, I have to conclude that.... I am getting too old for this shit! I just can't go out and drink till the wee hours anymore. Well, at least not in Ireland. Bloody hell, the Irish can drink! I know everyone knows this, songs have been written. God, how many Irish drinking songs are there? But when you see it up close it is mind blowing. I mean how many pints of Guinness can an Irish man drink? The answer would be, we don't know, he's still drinking!

I was invited out to have a drink with some lovely friends I met here. Now my definition of a drink, is a couple glasses of wine, and nice chat, and kiss, kiss, bye, bye and off we go, right? Wrong! We met at 7pm, then the pub hopping began, which turned into a pub crawl, because I was starting to crawl between them. I lost count at how many corona's I had, it was some where close to 6, when I began to lose vision in my right eye, my left one followed soon after. I know I am a light weight. But my friends were drinking double that, and still standing! Then the shots of tequila began, and well the rest of the night became a blur, and here I am at 5 am in the morning writing about it because I can't sleep.

I was a bit of a mess, headache, queasy tummy, called my Irish friends to see how they are doing? As fresh a daisy, fit as a fiddle, in a word, they are fine, I am not! I drank less and they are not bothered, this is why I concluded they have special genes. That or they have no liver!

Oh the Irish aren't the only ones, the English, Polish, Russians, Swedes, and most Scandinavian countries have this Drinking Gene. I am beginning to think, this might all be the Vikings fault, there is something else to thank them for besides red hair.
Kisses Violette

*This is dedicated to El Gordo.

Updated 29-05-09 at 22:03 by Patricia

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