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Why does everyone feel that it is so necessary to purchase and own branded goods? Is it to do with individuality or just to fit in? Or do we trust a particular brand over others due to our family/friends?

Granted there are some great clothing and food brands out there but if everyone buys the same brands, aren't we all going to be the same again and lose that individuality which we all seek.


  1. Curvaceous Kate's Avatar
    Branding is a huge market tool and one of the most successful ways to sell a product. If the brand is well known or trusted, then it doesn't matter what the product is, it will sell. This could be due to adverts with catchy catch phrases that remind you of their product when faced with several of the same thing. I don't know which to have, but I know or recognise that brand so will take that.

    You also have the brand that is 'trendy' and it is cool to be seen in that brand. The clothing might be horrible, but who cares if it is the right brand?