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Sensual Domination and Power Exchange

during the holidays

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Hello dear friends,
As yet another Christmas holiday quickly approaches how easy it is to become so wrapped up (no pun intended) in the 'details' of the holiday that we can forget or overlook the meaning of 'giving' in its truest sense....not in the giving of clothing, appliances, toys or the like, but in the giving of oneself,.. true, honest, loving and sincere... intimate sharing of our most secret desires and thoughts can also be the most valuable gift to another....but the greatest gift, is free, one does not have to shop for it, and it is rarely exchanged for another gift nor 're-gifted' ,,the simple gift of an act of kindness and more simply yet, a smile to a stranger,,,'worth a million' to so many...and so easy to give
so, this holiday season, make it a point to smile to at least one stranger everyday, you will be amazed at how good you will feel!
hugs and kisses to all and see you upon my return to Ireland, Jan. 17.
Merry Christmas
Lauren / Lady Femina
I hope you enjoy the two new photo albums I have just posted
