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Olivia Ryder

Stop judging me about my tattoos

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I love each and everyone of my tattoos and they mean something to me. I think body modification is a beautiful art form that not just goes unnoticed but gets discriminated against as well. It breaks my heart to think that people with body art (myself included) are judged purely based on cynical values and closed minded ideals. Why not get to know a person before you start judging, just a thought!
I have four tattoos by now and I promise you, not one of them made me stupid or forget how to be a kind human being.
Why do we judge people for being different? Tattoos are art. They express the person, their life.


  1. mickeyboy's Avatar
    Olivia i cant wait to see your tattoo`s.xx
  2. mellors's Avatar
    I try not to judge people on first appearences, but i suppose we all do initially.
    That changes when we get to know people. But yes there is still discrimination, but perhaps some people dont make it easy on themselves by having awful tattoos in places they shouldnt have them. Maybe that is changing as they become more fashionable.
    I agree good tattoos can be a beautiful adornment to the body, some are works of art in themselves
  3. fun loving male's Avatar
    Tattoo's are certainly art. I have 2 which I love and intend getting another one once I'm 100% happy with whatever design I get .
  4. The D Man's Avatar
    Never mind what other people think Olivia. Once you are happy that's the main thing.
  5. Waterford Guy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mellors
    But yes there is still discrimination, but perhaps some people dont make it easy on themselves by having awful tattoos in places they shouldnt have them.
    Who decides where a person "should," have a tattoo? Do you decide for them?
  6. Olivia Ryder's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mellors
    I try not to judge people on first appearences, but i suppose we all do initially.
    That changes when we get to know people. But yes there is still discrimination, but perhaps some people dont make it easy on themselves by having awful tattoos in places they shouldnt have them. Maybe that is changing as they become more fashionable.
    I agree good tattoos can be a beautiful adornment to the body, some are works of art in themselves
    awful for you might be nice for them, is more important what that tattoo represents.. i dont think someone with an "awful" tattoo would care that much u dont like it, as long that tattoo has a strong meaning for himself
  7. SweetMaya's Avatar
    no matter what people say I love tattoos and I think also it is an art I have three tattoos and I intend when I find a good idea to add another one
  8. mellors's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Olivia Ryder
    awful for you might be nice for them, is more important what that tattoo represents.. i dont think someone with an "awful" tattoo would care that much u dont like it, as long that tattoo has a strong meaning for himself

    Perhaps i used the wrong word. I was thinking more of bad artwork/ bad tattoos, where no thought has been put into the design or meaning especially where it can be seen. I've seen some really bad tattoos, and almost every person wishes they didnt have it, want it removed or covered.
    I agree a well designed , well drawn tattoo that has meaning to the person can be beautiful
  9. Diamond Jim's Avatar
    Tattoos were once the mark of the outcast, the signature seal of the rebel of the rocker. Now it has become an everyday thing inspired by people's obsession with celebrity.

    As Ozzy Osborne once remarked to his daughter Kelly, 'If you want to be different, don't get a tattoo.'
  10. zoozoozoo's Avatar
    Have a couple of tattoos and intend getting a lot more ,have to say I dont like tattoos on the fingers or knuckles always reminds me of bad atr done by bad people
  11. Olivia Ryder's Avatar
    i have a tattoo on my finger, and still looks very good