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Blog Entry 2

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I have been on the website a couple of days now. I found the forums on the legal side of sex work very interesting. What really comes home to me is how vunerable a sex worker is. How he/she has no protection from the law, society, unions so forth. It really enforces my belief that to decriminalise sex work would solve so many of the problems within the industry and raise the bar for all across the board - the sex worker, clients and society itself


  1. Davidgolf's Avatar
    Hi, Dave, I agree with you, What pisses me off more , is that there are people lobbying to stop the sex trade in Ireland. People who are very misinformed and see the whole sex industry arse about face.
    Then you have investigative journalists, who are supposed to have all the facts , and print utter nonsense, i mean, what chance have sex workers got , when the people who say they have sex workers interests at heart , get it so badly wrong.
  2. Alanna1's Avatar
    Hi Guys'

    I really wish there more people like yourselves that would speak up for us girls who 'CHOOSE' to work. If people took the time to become more informed about the sex trade they would realise it could do no harm to legalise it.