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British Jessica Taylor

Belfast, what's happened?

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I wanted to come back to Belfast at some point soon. But am slightly concerned by the lack of Escorts in the area at the moment.

I have not been escorting this year. The last time i was in Belfast was in December and there were 67 Ladies there the day i left. Now there is 10!

What i want to know, has somthing happened? I would hate to travel over if there was some kind of danger or problem over there.

Updated 21-08-12 at 12:36 by British Jessica Taylor



  1. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    I know August is marching season, but the numbers have been going down for a while now.
  2. paul2626's Avatar
    early july is marching season.... well over by now!!
  3. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Oh! Well that shows what i know.

    I would still love to know why Belfast is so quiet. I must admit i am reluctant to visit incase i get a load of grief when i arrive.
  4. Desirable Encounters's Avatar
    Do you ever visit/ consider visiting any other parts of this Island?
  5. Desirable Encounters's Avatar
    And you're right, based on population it does appear to be disproportionately low!
  6. blue8671's Avatar
    Been wondering myself exactly what is going on, never remember it so bad as it has been this past few weeks. Have not heard of any reports of problems or increased police activity so I can only assume that the amount of clients has dried up. Belfast in the past has normally had between 35 ond 45 girls at any given time and the decline has been very sudden I hope it will return to normal as having to travel for a decent selection of escorts is a pain.
  7. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Desirable Encounters
    Do you ever visit/ consider visiting any other parts of this Island?

    Not really, Belfast is easy for me and i know it. I get nervous traveling to places i dont know when i am working. I have thought of Derry thought.
  8. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Desirable Encounters
    And you're right, based on population it does appear to be disproportionately low!

    Yes very low!
  9. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by blue8671
    Been wondering myself exactly what is going on, never remember it so bad as it has been this past few weeks. Have not heard of any reports of problems or increased police activity so I can only assume that the amount of clients has dried up. Belfast in the past has normally had between 35 ond 45 girls at any given time and the decline has been very sudden I hope it will return to normal as having to travel for a decent selection of escorts is a pain.

    Are there any new agencies in the area or parlors? I always heard Belfast was busy for escorts, so i gave it a go. It was good not great but i did ok. I started coming over around this time last year, and visited four times i think. My last visit was slow, and for two days over the weekend i saw one person.

    The only thing i can think of is hotels getting tougher on it. But i have never had any problems in hotels in Belfast, or anywhere for that matter. Also if that was the case i should imagine women would start to rent apartments. For me an apartment is an absolute no no as i feel far to vulnerable in one and from my experience its more obvious in a residential house/apartment than it is in a hotel. Maybe other women feel the same.
  10. blue8671's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by British Jessica Taylor
    Are there any new agencies in the area or parlors? I always heard Belfast was busy for escorts, so i gave it a go. It was good not great but i did ok. I started coming over around this time last year, and visited four times i think. My last visit was slow, and for two days over the weekend i saw one person.

    The only thing i can think of is hotels getting tougher on it. But i have never had any problems in hotels in Belfast, or anywhere for that matter. Also if that was the case i should imagine women would start to rent apartments. For me an apartment is an absolute no no as i feel far to vulnerable in one and from my experience its more obvious in a residential house/apartment than it is in a hotel. Maybe other women feel the same.
    There are one or two agencies that keep appearing every now and then usually followed in a few days by fake picture reports for there girls, and of course there are always the so called independant girls that are working for a agency but im not sure how busy these girls are as I avoid them at all costs having met one or two in the past when I was just starting out.

    I would say the split between hotel and apartments is about 50/50 with the majority of girls working from apartments being girls that have been based almost entirly in Belfast. I do prefer to meet girls in apartments as I hate walking through reception in a hotel but that is just me and others can have the opposite opinion.

    I just hope that things pick up soon as if it continues this way a lot of girls are just going to give up on the city altogther and go elsewere, I have noticed in the past few months that Escort Scotland seems to be attracting a lot of girls that I know and used to visit in Belfast. And a few others have retired which is just as bad for me
  11. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by blue8671
    There are one or two agencies that keep appearing every now and then usually followed in a few days by fake picture reports for there girls, and of course there are always the so called independant girls that are working for a agency but im not sure how busy these girls are as I avoid them at all costs having met one or two in the past when I was just starting out.

    I would say the split between hotel and apartments is about 50/50 with the majority of girls working from apartments being girls that have been based almost entirly in Belfast. I do prefer to meet girls in apartments as I hate walking through reception in a hotel but that is just me and others can have the opposite opinion.

    I just hope that things pick up soon as if it continues this way a lot of girls are just going to give up on the city altogther and go elsewere, I have noticed in the past few months that Escort Scotland seems to be attracting a lot of girls that I know and used to visit in Belfast. And a few others have retired which is just as bad for me

    It's good that there isn't an big agencies around, i was worried about them trying to run me out of town when i arrived.

    I am going to give try and come back i think. I also noticed that Scotland had been swamped so i decided to give it a miss.

    If you do go into a hotel all you say is your visiting a friend on the second floor. You would have to be extremely unlucky for reception staff to stop you. Even if they do they are limited as to what they can ask you. Us ladies are very clued up on this kind of thing we all know where to stay and where not to stay, and we give our guys specific instructions to follow when they enter into the hotel. Remember when we book in we leave the reception with all our details, so we have to be sure we are booking into a hotel where we can get away with it. Reception staff see hundreds of people come in and out the hotel all day long and usually have at least three changes of staff through out the day. Most of us ladies check-in in our normal clothing, which for me is jeans and a jumper or coat, some flat shoes, no make-up and hair up in a pony tail, just an ordinary young woman visiting Belfast to do some sightseeing.
  12. mick_1001's Avatar
    Belfast for escorts is always quiet around August. I don't know the reason why but I've always noticed that there are fewer escorts around in July also. But Jessica one thing is for sure that if you do come back I will be one of the first in line!!!!