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Oblivion and forgiveness

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After recent events involving myself and other members of this wonderful site. I've had a chance to think the last couple of days and I've had a nice chat with two of the moderators on here and it has been agreed in order to keep the peace around here, I should refrain from the posts for the time being.

I know that to some I have been a major pain in the ass and others just baby with a tantrum. I also realise I have apologised many times and broken it soon after. All I will say is that when I am upset I become very irrational. Afterwards I review what I have said to people and indeed it makes me squirm with embarrasment. I have temper issues online and they need to be sorted. I'm already getting help with it.

Like all communities, virtual and real there are people who will not get on. Its human nature and its part of what makes us individuals. In time however I would hope that people accept me back here to full status. I miss the interaction with people. At the moment I just browse and I am not visible when I'm online. This is a self imposed isolation but necessary for me and everyone else here. Its like looking in the window of a sweet shop but not being able to go in and sample the goods.

I wish everyone the best on here and in the end we all need to be one team here when the time arises.

Thanks for reading :)



  1. ChunkyJoe's Avatar
    116 views and not one comment. I am well and truely despised. May I request that whatever mod takes care of blogs to remove this one too at their earliest convinience. Thank you.
  2. oilampdave's Avatar
    Iv'e been away from this site for a week or so and I don't know the history behind your blog. But I will say it takes a big man to admit to his faults. You say you have apologised before and then broken it. So let this be the start of you living up to this latest apology. Maybe the reason nobody has left a comment is that there waiting to see if you have changed.
    The balls in your court now Joe.
    Your the only one who can change you.
    Good luck.
  3. ChunkyJoe's Avatar
    Well they won't have too long to wait :) Thanks for your reply.
  4. Rocker123's Avatar
    Hi Joe,

    Good to see that you are still around!

    The only real way you can judge what people think of you is when them meet you. So if you get on well with the escorts you have met, thats the only opinion that counts for anything in here. Remember that.

    Be well my friend.
