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Time heals all wounds

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okay, i am new to this and only joined it out because i thought i could be fun and take my mind of my ex.

they say time heals all wounds but I am finding that extremely difficult to relate to, me and my ex were together for four and a have years, im young and stupid and thought it would last forever, what a fool i was, so she left me, next thing loaded drunk I head to her house, only to find her in bed with some other fella, btw this is the fella who was "only a friend" and "he's such a spa, i could be with him that way" btw this was the next night after she left me, her bed wasn't even cold from me being in it.
i felt like killing him, but when i look back at it now i can see it so clearly, the random night in his house, the hiding of her phone from me, it makes sense now.

so I am struggling along, in a stupid pathetic mood, I need bit of company or a good slap in the face.

Right there is my rant to the world, getting it all out makes you feel allot better :D


  1. sassa's Avatar
    oh man sorry about that ... hope this feeling goes away soon...I sometime prefer to believe that things happen for a reason and that in every cloud there is a silver lining... take it easy.. a day at a time if you can...
  2. cumvee's Avatar
    every cloud m8.....get out there and make most of being single. Live all your fantasy's out with a bit of help from this site maybe, before your and old dude, tied down who can't, I know. The most important thing you've said is your young, lots of time to get over it. Make the most of it and best of luck
  3. ksteve's Avatar
    Why did you feel like killing HIM ? iIs she not the one who was cheating yiou ?