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Curvaceous Kate's meandering thoughts!

Apology for neglecting my lucky Irish boys

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It's been a long time since I lasted visited in August and alsorts of things have been going on.

My life is very full and sometimes I think I must be mad for the amount I try to fit into it, but hey life is for living right?

So... what have I been doing?

Well since January of last year I have been learning the skill of Millinery and since my tutor lives in London I have been going back and fourth there every 2 months or so to learn new skills and top up on the ones I have learnt so far. I've also been launching my new business, which of course involves selling my hats and finding out what is popular and what is not. It's always a bit daunting putting something you have made yourself out there, as there is no bigger critic than a paying customer, but thankfully most have them have had great feedback, which is helping me decide where to go next with making my first collections.

Other than that I have been travelling around the UK, helping my son start up a business of his own after deciding to leave college and hopefully keeping my regulars happy here in Worcester.

Unfortunately just at one of the busiest times of year I have had to stop using my apartment that I work from, but am still paying the bills. I've taken the last week off to assess my situation and am now back in line with what I need to do and looking forward to another busy year. This of course includes getting myself back over to Ireland and N.Ireland, where of course I'm hoping to do a little networking for my hats too, after all you are known for your love of the horses and racing over here.

I'm not entirely sure where I will be working yet when in Dublin, so if anyone has any advice or ideas they would be warmly welcomed. I have already entered the dates of my journey in the non-advertising section, which will give you an idea of the time frame and that I will be flying over. I do prefer to use an apartment where possible, but can be flexible.

So there it is, in a nutshell. I'm really looking forward to 2012 and hope to spend a lot more time on here in the future.

Kate x
Tags: dublin
