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High End Escorts!

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On my line of business I meet a lot of girls and I have the privilege of talking to them for hours.

No matter how fine the ladies are, they all seem to stay into a very limited price range for their time: €180 to €220 per hour.

And here come my question: [B]Why there is not such thing as HIGH END ESCORTS in Ireland?[/B]

I'd like to see some girls that charge let's say €500 per hour and see only a very selected clientele. I'd like to see college students that takes only few appointments a week for a high price. I'd like to see exclusivity.

I believe in a quality encounter, and you don't get a quality encounter in half an hour. You can't expect a true quality encounter if the girls mind is on her next client that has to arrive half an hour after your departure. Do you see what I mean?

Now imagine the lady that meets only a handful of clients a week. Her mind is at ease; your mind as a client is at ease. The experience become a date!

The recession has pushed the prices down; talking to the girls I found that some of them have to see a good number of clients a week in order to make it work. I don't like to see the escort service becoming a discount-supermarket-kind-of-service, I want it to become more of a boutique service.

Am I the only one?


  1. carlos marvado's Avatar
    Sure, you can get £500/hour escorts in London, but then when you compare the population of London to say Dublin, plus the sort of people that live in London or go there on busy regularly, it's easy to see why a market that exists there would not exist here to that extent.

    Anyway, what makes you think that spending €500 for on hour will necessarily get you a better experience than €200? It's not the amount of money that you spend, but the amount of time that you spend with an escort which is likely to influence the experience in my opinion.
  2. rubberlover's Avatar
    Its called market forces, just like photography etc. Every business has taken a sincere beating and the spend isn't there as it was. The London scene is not like for like and really can't be compared to Ireland. Places like Kensington etc are where the elite live and have deep deep pockets, so I think most girls here are responding to the market. My concern would be they will consider leaving Dublin/Ireland off their tours if the market contracts any further.
  3. sligoguy36's Avatar
    In London/NY etc you may get access to porn stars for that kind of money and more - but even if someone charges 500 for an hour guarantees nothing. I notice some of the UK escorts will not see you for 30 minutes and from a couple I've talked to, they would appear to see very few clients per day and are anything but clock-watchers. Anyone can say they are a college student but actual college students would not offer the first class service you would need.

    Book an escort you've seen before (maybe for an hour) and arrange an overnight.
  4. Ebony Amber's Avatar
    I shan't comment on whether the experience will be better if one pays more. However I agree with your sentiments Tito.

    I find it strange that Ireland is one of very few places where prices are so rigid. When one charges outside the market average it is a big deal. However I feel it is down to the fact there is only one main website to advertise on and the fact that girls are too nervous to risk it.

    However it does work. A friend of mine visited recently charging 300 for 30mins and 450 for an hour. In her favour was the fact that she had starred in Porn but she managed to do very well only seeing 3 clients a day as opposed to say 6 or 7.

    I don't think Ireland is ready for price variations to be the norm though- sad but true.

    Cool Blog!
  5. cmcc72's Avatar
    I would love to earn three times my wage but at the end of the day/week I get my wage and what thats what the market can pay me,if I am not happy with this I can get another job or better my education.If you can get 5OO an hour go live there for a while and clean up.Too want that amount in Ireland now is bonkers and the women in the price range you mention offer a brilliant service and long may it continue.The name of the game is supply and demand,200 euro bookings by lets say 15 a week versus 500 euro bookings by 0 a week.
  6. dgkuros's Avatar
    A good question and point well made. The unfortunate reality is that we are no longer property millionaires (or any other type) so to be slightly crude about it, the pickings at that particular end of the market are slim. Carlos is spot on though - this is not London.

    What appears to be a more worrying trend for the girls is the increase amount of scumbags who are using falling prices to make it a demanding one-sided encounter with the attitude of mutual respect taking a ryanair flight to somewhere you've never heard of....
  7. marvingpp's Avatar
    hi tito,

    i'd like to politely remind you that nobody is forcing these girls into this business and that they are always free to get a cleaning job that pays 10 euro an hour. now i know that escorts work very hard and fully deserve 200 euro an hour but 500 is ludicrous, lets be reasonable and realistic because recessions are tough on everybody.