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British Jessica Taylor

The bad always spoil things for the good!

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I have a dillema.

Since i have been in ***location removed**** (this is my second visit) i have had nothing but grief from people who book and never show. I have had the same few idiots blocking my phone line by calling repeatedly, i have allot of people bartering with me like I'm a second hand car for sale with "ono" displayed on my ad. The most extreme been £60 for an hour with a bit of Charlie thrown in! Why do people always assume escorts are escorting to support their drug habit? I'm not a street walker i am a classy young woman from a good back ground and a normal family life! Then i get the dial a wank callers. All mixed together it can be quite easy to become a little fed up to say the least.

But my biggest problem is the ones that book and don't show. I get at least 96% of my books not showing. I have come to realize that this is some kind of hobby for some people and that they clearly get off on it. It could be nothing else, the amount of no show's i get are so high i cannot put it down to anything else.

I often read other escorts feed back, and allot of the complaints that i read are from disgruntled men who have been left outside, and told to wait, or simply just getting no reply and leaving. I am starting to understand how this happens.

Today for example, i have written down ten bookings, not one of them showed. I turned away my gentleman callers because i thought i had bookings and i like to give people the benefit of the doubt. As a result i have only seen one guy!

So now i am left wondering what to do. Do i start to double book, and make as many appointments at the same time in the hope that at least one of them will turn up. Or do i offer a "first come first serve" policy. Either way the genuine guys are going to get messed about. They will either come along and get no answer or come along and have to stand an wait 30 min's to and hour.

At the moment i have no solution for the dick heads out there that just like to make life hard for us escorts. So guys have a little understanding of what we have to deal with if you are ever left waiting and wondering what has happened to your appointment.

I'm open to sensible suggestions on this topic by the way!

Anyway on a lighter note, rant over and enjoy the rest of the day. xx

Updated 29-09-11 at 22:10 by Nicole



  1. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Sorry to hear your getting messed about Jessica so guys get your act together
    and show some respect for these lovely ladies. I met Jessica on her last visit and she is one of the most genuine honest loving girl you could ask for.

    You might be the target from local competition. A suggestion would be to take
    Confirmed bookings through the EI PM system and first come first served for the

    I sure some of the other girls that tour could advise you better on the private

    Hope things pick up

  2. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Hi Legs, hope your well and thanks for the support.

    I don't think it's any use telling these guys the stress they cause, in fact i know that this is exactly what they want to hear. They do it on purpose. Probably have no control over there own lives and this is their way of getting a power kick. Sad but true and i guess that is just the world we live in.

    But i wanted to post the blog for two reasons. One to see if anyone else has any ideas as what best to do. The second to let clients know the score. Again i have just finished reading a negative review and they guy was having a bit of a strop co's he got to his location and was ignored. He was complaining that the woman wouldn't like it if it was done to her and that she should have more respect for her "punters". We do try our best and belive me it is very hard to know what to do to please everyone and still earn money. So guys dont take it personall and understand that we try our best, for most of us the last thing we want is an angry customer.

    I have only ever had one booking made through the website and that was you. I think most men prefer to just call up and book.

    Anyway legs my dear, i am off to bed. xx
  3. Prickly's Avatar
    I'd like to add my apologies for your difficulties with the time wasters. The only solution I can possibly offer is to specify that appointments by email or PM get priority. As time passes you will hopefully build up a bank of regular clients and you'll be better able to filter out the time wasters. Good Luck and I hope to meet you someday. P.
  4. john_calling's Avatar
    Yeah I'd agree with Prickly. I think the trick here is to only accept bookings from people with mobile numbers and then build up a list of numbers that don't turn up. Then do a name and shame thing... where you share the list on a site like this. IDEALLY what should happen is that escorts should be able to submit the number of good and bad punters to EI after they get a booking. Then when you get a new booking there should be a part of the site only open to escorts where they enter the mobile number they got in the booking and they are told if this number is 'new', 'good' or 'bad'. Sorry it's the techie in me.. Part of the job.. always coming up with web ideas. EI my company can build it for you if you like.. he he (hey I need to make some money too you know!! ) anyway enjoy!!
  5. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Prickly
    I'd like to add my apologies for your difficulties with the time wasters. The only solution I can possibly offer is to specify that appointments by email or PM get priority. As time passes you will hopefully build up a bank of regular clients and you'll be better able to filter out the time wasters. Good Luck and I hope to meet you someday. P.
    Thanks Prickly. (Why prickly by the way?) I dont have such a problem of timewasters when i'm at home. I just dont know whats up with these set of men i am dealing with here. I just hope the good guys will soon start to out weigh the bad ones. In the mean time i will just try my best to deal with it.
  6. British Jessica Taylor's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by john_calling
    Yeah I'd agree with Prickly. I think the trick here is to only accept bookings from people with mobile numbers and then build up a list of numbers that don't turn up. Then do a name and shame thing... where you share the list on a site like this. IDEALLY what should happen is that escorts should be able to submit the number of good and bad punters to EI after they get a booking. Then when you get a new booking there should be a part of the site only open to escorts where they enter the mobile number they got in the booking and they are told if this number is 'new', 'good' or 'bad'. Sorry it's the techie in me.. Part of the job.. always coming up with web ideas. EI my company can build it for you if you like.. he he (hey I need to make some money too you know!! ) anyway enjoy!!

    Hi Jhon thanks for your comment.

    I already ignore with held and landlines, that has to go as standard, and i am just starting to build up a list of dickheads (can i say that in here) I agree with your idea, it would deter a few, but some are just so brazen they dont care. Also these days we can all just go and buy a new sim card, even get them sent free in the post. Belive it or not the kind of men that make it their mission in life to make it hard for escorts, actually do these kind of things. I am on another site, and the "residant" local women email one another now and then and share numbers and advise of any dodgy men. It is very satisfying when one of the shared numbers pop's up on your caller ID.

    Sorry i had to chuck him in there, couldnt resist! lol
  7. ryder's Avatar
    Jessica , I wonder if its possible for you to start taking credit cards. There are the Pre pay type cards nowadays available in various amounts fro m 20 eoro upwards
  8. ryder's Avatar
    Sorry ,I got cut short yesterday. There are credit card machines nowadays which work on the 087 network. Making them truly portable. These cards mean you can never be caught out with your transaction showing up on your regular Visa statement. No card number no booking, explain this on your profile. If they really want to book they must nip down to the shop for a prepaid card. You can then verify the number is genuine on your CC machine. If its fake you delete the booking. These machines are 15 euro a month wit bank of Ireland. Its just a sugestion Jessica . Sorry about all those wasters out there.