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British Jessica Taylor

Good and GREAT days

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Good and GREAT days

I was dismayed to hear that some girls are having s shabby time of it. Like one’s philosophy in life, you can indeed have good and bad days.


You can have good and GREAT days!

When you earn more in an hour than some poor hard working fuckers do in what is probably a very difficult WEEK, make your own (very flexible) hours up, are constantly told how attractive you are, make people feel very valued and special on a regular basis and generally adore your so called ‘job’ then I absolutely fail to see how one could EVER have a bad day!

There very simply is no such thing. The ‘bad’ days are simply just life lessons to be learned. That is, after all, why we are here in the first place, n’est pas?!

To learn all of life’s valuable lessons, one shitty day after another!


  1. ryder's Avatar
    We all must strive to keep the good side out. ave a great weekend Jessica and keep on blogging ,its great
  2. brian twiggs's Avatar
    hope my younger sister never reads this blog jess.. ha,, talking up this industry is nt good especially for young women.
  3. Legswideopen's Avatar
    Well Jessica
    You gave me a great mornings