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Mistress Amina

Working at the weekend

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Friday, I must say I did absolutely sod all. I literally got up, did my normal morning routines and then ended up going back to bed. Needless to say there were plenty of missed calls on my work phone, oh well the slaves will just have to wait.

I don't usually condone working at the weekend, one needs ones rest but just for my sheer laziness yesterday and the fact that a rather humble slave pointed out that he couldn't get away from his wife till the weekends I decided I would endeavor to work at least one weekend a month.

I was shopping online on the Irish sites for some new canes, whips and paddles. I spent ages trolling through all the sites until I found one with a rather good selection. To my disgust I got to the payment part and realized they didn't accept laser...on an Irish site! Now I will have to go top up my credit card and start again.

Mistress Amina
Irish Escort Blogs
