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A Solitary Life (I am your YES MAN)

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I have always been a victim of my own goodness and a lot of people say that people abuse people who does not know how to say "NO". K, I quite admit that I am your typical yes man, but deep inside I just want to shout to the whole world that I detest being a yes man.

So lately I have been contemplating what it would be like to say NO to people that tramples on my dignity by being so arrogant and abusive on my kindness and generosity. Anyway, who would want to hear this story from a lowlife like me.

So really this soul searching will take me wherever the wind takes me. I will call this life an adventure, part of it would be saying NO to rules and mores that has ruled my life eversince I was child. Always sacrificing my inner desires and happiness.

So I am looking forward to this new found freedom. So ladies, I would be looking forward to meeting you in this journey. The pleasure will be all......and shared by long.
