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Curvaceous Kate's meandering thoughts!

Why is it always the good die young?

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I' getting ready for my tour to Belfast and should be gettng excited, packing etc, but instead I'm anything but in a state of excitement.

A very close friend of mine, who I have known since I was 15 is very poorly. She has been fighting cancer now for a few years and until recently we all thought she had beaten it and then they did a scan. She had asked for a scan a year ago, but she was refused, as they didn't think it was necessary. How wrong they were, as now it has been discovered that she does not just have breast cancer, but she is riddled with cancer and it has spread to her liver. There is some debate as to how much life she has left to live. Her rose tinted glasses optimistically cling on to 3 years, but the reality is closer to 6 months.

She is a Mother to a girl who eagerly awaits entering into her teens, she is a single parent, she is the light that brightens a darkened room, the life that enters a lifeless party and a dear friend of mine that I am already missing. I love her with all my heart and always will.

This weekend literally hundreds of people that have been touched by her beautiful personality; are flocking over to her part of the world to be with her, to share a happy and dear moment with her and to let her know that they love her. I did this yesterday and this morning and my heart is feeling very heavy.

So... I'm going to try and put this behind me after today, or at least for the duration of the tour. I know this is not meant to be about me, but about me giving you relief and relaxation and believe me this is what I intend and enjoy doing, but I really really am welcoming the distraction from my thoughts. For her I want to keep my thoughts sunny and positive as she remains to do so and for me I want to remember how good life is and how much I love my work (which I do).

I know Belfast is having a few problems at the moment and there must be an air of 'concern', 'discontent' in the air. There must be a feeling that things are set to change and not necessarily the way that you want them. I guess what I'm trying to say is that don't forget that this is your one chance at life, to enjoy and live it to the full, because you never know when it might come to an end. Don't put your life on hold, don't waste a single moment of it, but embrace it. I know I intend to!


  1. very shy guy's Avatar
    Amen to not wasting a single moment of your life as you never know when it could be your last,sorry to hear about your friend Kate,it sounds as if she needs a miracle,so sad ,a very tragic case when you consider that she has a young daughter and her being the only parent,sad thing is we all know someone like your friend,in my case three people who were all left too late,one poor fellow was mocked that it was his nerves,I think that when you see a person change to a yellowish skin tone you should know there is something wrong,all I can say is that miracles do happen and hope that this is the case for your friend,I knew a lady that got 6 months to live with cancer,I knew her as a very old lady,she lived 47 years after she was told that there was no hope for her,the doctors could not understand it as there was no trace when she went back after a year,she had massive faith.
  2. Curvaceous Kate's Avatar
    Thank you vsg. She has recently had a scan and was told that the cancer had receeded by 6mm, so although it has not gone and no one is expecting it to go, it gives us time. She is a fighter and her cup is half full. The cancer will not have an easy ride.