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[SIZE="5"][SIZE="5"]Q1. My friend Monster, who sold carpets, said that if he h[/SIZE]ad to multiply two numbers together he usually squared their average instead. The answer was always too big but was near enough, he said. I told him that if he was all that keen on squaring instead of multiplying, he might as well do a little bit more and get the answer right. What else ought he to do?[/SIZE]

[SIZE="5"]Q2. Under the terms of a will six separate bequests, totalling £1,000 are made to three husbands and their three wives. The wives receive altogether £396, of which Maud gets £10 more than Mabel, and Martha gets £10 more than Maud. Of the husbands, Bill Brown gets twice as much as his wife, Henry Hobson gets the same as his wife, whilst John Jones gets 50% more than his wife. What are the full names of the three wives?[/SIZE]

[SIZE="5"]Q3. New number plates are required for the church hymn board. The board has spaces for four hymn numbers and the book in use contains 700 hymns. In working out the number of plates required, the vicar thriftily decides that the plates for the figure 6 can be inverted to serve for the figure 9. What is the least number of plates he has to buy?


Updated 21-03-11 at 20:50 by magicalman9357 (Typing Error pointed out by MM!)



  1. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q1: I'll get back to you later on that one as it has me stumped.

    Q2: I have actually seen this and answered it with simple enough maths on another forum before but I don't think you have the numbers correct. You may want to look at it again. I'll take a point for pointing that out ;)

    Q3: 81
  2. magicalman9357's Avatar
    [QUOTE=monster_monster;bt3366]Q1: I'll get back to you later on that one as it has me stumped.

    Q2: I have actually seen this and answered it with simple enough maths on another forum before but I don't think you have the numbers correct. You may want to look at it again. I'll take a point for pointing that out ;)

    Q3: 81[/QUOTE]

    Q2. Thanks for pointing that out MM and a point well deserved. :)

    Q3. Correct and well done :)

    You must be very good at Maths MM as to be honest if I didn't have the answers I would never get those questions right. Well done again. :)
  3. monster_monster's Avatar
    Q1: I'm conceding, I'm obviously missing something as the greater the difference in the numbers the larger the percentage of inaccuracy. The only other thing I can suggest is that he buy a calculator.
  4. magicalman9357's Avatar
    Q1. The Answer

    From his rough answer (a+b)2

    Take away the square of half their difference (a-b)2
    The answer is then ab